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Day in the Life

May 15, 1891

Journal Entry

May 15, 1891 ~ Friday

15. I signed 9 Recommends I receivd 8 letters
[FIGURE] I met with S W Sears & Govornor Emery and had
a plesant interview with the Govornor He was Govornor
of this Territory when President Grant visited this City
He said while wriding up from the Depo the street was
lined with Mormon children well Dressed He said to Gov
Emery I have been Deceived with regard to this people th

The children look as nice & clean as any children
I have seen any whare and the Governor further remarked
that the president before He left told him to see that these
Mormon People were farely treated. Govornor Emerly
has always treated the Mormons well


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6 mentions
Grant, Ulysses S.
27 Apr 1822 - 23 Jul 1885
26 mentions


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 15, 1891