26 At 3 oclok I went to the cars and left at 3:30 for
Salt Lake arived at Salt Lake at 8 oclok 60 Mile
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that when men speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost it is the word of the Lord & Revelation," I have Received a Revelation and a commandment from the Lord which I have not revealed to any man which I shall reveal to this assembly and the command of the Lord I shall give to this people which is this The Lord has revealed to me that there are many in the Church wh feel badly tried about the Manifesto and also about the Testimony of the Presidency & Apostles before the Master in chancery the Lord has com- manded me to put the following question to the Saints and those who will give Attention to it shall have the Holy Ghost to be with them to inspire them to Answer that question for themselves and the Lord has promised that the Answer will be to all alike The question is this, which is the wisest course for the latter Day Saints to persue, to continue to attempt to practice plural Marriage with the Laws of the Nation against it and the opposition of 60000000 of People and at the cost of confiscation and loss of all the Temples and the stoping of all the ordinances therein both for the living & the Dead And the imprisinment of the First Presidency and Twelve and the leaders or heads of family in the Church And the confiscation of the personal property of the People (All of which of them- selve would stop the CPractice Finished on Nov 5th.
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