Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1891

Journal Entry

October 29, 1891 ~ Thursday

29 I signed ^3^ Recommends I received 2 Letters
I met with the Twelve & had Prayers

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Letter from Abraham Owen Smoot and Wilson Howard Dusenbury, 29 October 1891

Provo City, Utah, . To the General Board of Education, Wilford Woodruff, Chairman; Dear Brethern; Permit us to lay before you for your consideration some points connected with the Normal work of our Church Schools. The necessity of establishing a Free Normal training School has been suggested to us, based on the following reasons: 1. We have no Church Normal Traning School at present in our school system. Normal classes are organized in several Academies where theoretical in- structions are given, but no where is adequate practical work offered. 2. Normal Traning Schools are necessary to thorough preparation for school and class work. The world through long experience has discovered this, and hence the establishment of these schools in all European countries and in every state in the Union. G Graduates from these schools, everything else being equal, are far superior to others for the duties of teaching. 3. It is desirable that as far as possible, we supply the district schools with teachers of our own training, and thus keep the instruction of our children in our own hands. We cannot supply this demand wit^h^ the present system of normal instructions and high tuition, for, in the first place, not a sufficient number of young people can attend school, and then, secondly, our graduates cannot compete with those more thoroughly trained from other colleges. 4. If a well equiped Normal Training School with free tuition should be established in our Church Schools, not only the number of teachers

Letter from John Nelson Peterson, 29 October 1891

President Woodruff ^Dear Brother^ youre letter of the 27 came to hand yesterday you asked how I would like to take A Mission to Europe I will say that if I should consult my one feelings I woud not at the presant time aldough I feel it A duty to respond wehen cald on you asked how my circustances are they are not werry good I have no Property or moon income I have to Worke for my living and I have no thing to leave with my family while gon nor annay thing to fit my sef self out with you asked if I have ever bin on A mission before I will say that I have not I will say also that my Wife is sick and and has been for some tiame I have stated my cuircumtancs and I leave you to judge I am ever truly youre Brother in the Gospele John Peterson It would be well to get the ind- orsement of his Bp. & if as he sayes I would let him off for the present. J. F. S.

Letter from Charles William Stayner, 29 October 1891

Recd 3 Nov [end of sideways text] PRACTICES BEFORE THE COURTS AND DEPART- MENTS. [Permit] Deed Cases & [Leinalty] CHARLES W. STAYNER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 19 GRANT PLACE. Box 474 WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct 29th 1891. In the Case of Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Smith, Dear Brethren; I have returned from a most interesting, and I trust a profitable visit to the various Conferences compromising the Northern States Mission. I will not take up your valuable time with a detailed account of my labors, but will say that I found the Conferences universally in a prosperous condition. There are of course some loca- lities to where opportunities are not good for preaching the Gospel at present, but I am happy to say that most of the fields were re- ported as in good condition, and prospects sufficiently favorable to warrant a return of the Elders to carry on the work commen- ced in those parts. Even where threats of violence had filled the air for some time, many friends had been found among the more intelligent classes, and their interest in the work had been largely increased by the movements of the more ignorant portions of the community against us. So that in those

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for Digig Artician Wells 250 [29] Paid for Phebe A Snow 10


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 29, 1891