Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1891

Journal Entry

November 16, 1891 ~ Monday

16 In company with G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson
we went on board of the cars & had an interview
with Isaac Trumbo & rode with him to Morgan
Weber Station & returned to Salt Lake Distance 90 m[iles]
we Met with the board of ZCMI & Met with
Mr Norton Member of Parliament and had
a long conversation with him upon Mormon affairs
I signed 20 Recommends Received 11 Letters


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912


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Letter from Paul Poulsen, 16 November 1891

Richfield President W. Woodruff Dear brother, I feel like making some suggestions in regard to missionarys. I have not been conferred with in regard to G. Ence or his son John H. except the signing of John H. answer as to his willingness to go etc. In the first place I will say that Bro G. Ence is competent of going to Germany, and do a good work there, true he has had one of his legs broken, but he tells me that that does not hurt him any, of course he does not know what it might do if he had to do excessive walking, but he is always walking and laboring at home, and it never hurts

Letter to Matthew Noall, 16 November 1891

Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder Matthew Noall, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: The time having arrived when we deem it advisable to release President Ward E. Pack from the duties of the presidency of the Sandwich Islands Mission to return home to his family and friends in Zion, we have deemed it wise and proper to appoint you to succeed him in that important position. We have instructed Elder Pack to turn over to you all books, papers and accounts, and to give you all information necessary to enable you to understandingly take hold of the duties of your new calling. He will also transfer to you all properties, etc., as is usual on such occasions. We believe Elder Pack has labored with great diligence and zeal in the performance of his duties, and in the guidance of the Church. We trust you will in like manner be blessed of the Lord; and that you will have s^m^uch success in your labors both temporal and spiritual, and that you will be enabled to bring many souls to a knowledge of the truth. To this end we pray God to abundantly bless you, to preserve you from all evil, and in due time bring you home in safety to the association of the people of God in Zion. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from George Teasdale, 16 November 1891

President Willford Woodruff & Council, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethen I deem it my duty to send you for your consid- eration the following, which I learned during my last visit through the settlements, with regard to a grant or tract of land, offered to us, concerning which Elder George C. Williams has been exploring and obtaining information. Copy of letter Bro Williams and those who have seen the country say we should try to purchase it. There is a trail through the mountains from Pacheco or Coralis that in two days this grant can be reached; about 60 miles.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid girl $3 Emma $5 8


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 16, 1891