Day in the Life

Nov 17, 1891

Journal Entry

November 17, 1891 ~ Tuesday

Nov 17, 1891
I signed 10 Recommends I received 5 Letters
Met with M Thatcher about selling G Teasdale
a House in Mexico


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
704 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
439 mentions


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Letter from George A. Stephens, 17 November 1891

Baldwin, Kans, Pres. Woodruff, Dear Sir, Would like to get any information or your views regarding the Admission of Utah into the uUnion. Would rather have argument favoring its Admission. It is for a literary debate. Please answer immediately. Thanking you for any favors I might receive at your hands, I am yours respectfully, Geo. A. Stephens Pamphlets sent 21 Nov. [18]91

Letter from Franklin N. Morris, 17 November 1891

Salt Lake City President Woodruff Dear Brother It has taken me a long time to Reply to the call made upon me to fill a mission to the Indian Territory. And ask you to take Into Consideration One obstacle which I cannot Control. I sold a Piece of Property In the spring of this year And the Party Utterly failed to Comply with the agreement. This party haveing Improved my Property on the Expence of others. It Jeopardized my Property In such a way that It was necessary for me to Imploy a Lawyer to defend myself. I Consulted my Atorney In Regard to haveing my Case disposed of as soon as Possible on account of the call made upon me. He said It would be Imposible to have It come up before the next Term of Court Or some time In Febuary. Therefor If you think It wise to Extend the time untill my Property Is out of Jeopardy I would gladly Respond. From your Brother In the Gospel Franklin. N. Morris the above Statment is Corerect as far as I Can assertain Alexander Garrick acting B.p. I would give him till Apr. [18]92 J. F. S.

Letter from Niels Peder Anderson, 17 November 1891

Box Elder, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: As a sequel to my letter of 11th inst. I take great pleasure in informing you that the Grand Jury ignored my case, and as such I am again a free citizen. I have explained matters to Prest. Lor. Snow, who will probably see you at an early date. Whatever you brethren think best in re- gard to the proposed mission, I will try to meet to the best of my ability. I can take the general missionary labor, in which I have spent nearly 6 years previously, as well as not; but if the mission selected for me is still open, I would prefer it on account of the literary training it affords, and it will also allow of some missionary labor at intervals. Circumstances do not force me aboroad, but I leave it entirely with you as to mission or no mission, and where, when, and what. Yours in the Gospel, N. P. Anderson. [sideways text] Bro. George, I will see you about this. J. F. S. [end of sideways text]

Letter from Conrad Thunstrom, 17 November 1891

Chicago, To the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City, U. T. Dear Sir: In october last year I sent you a letter asking for information on certain subjects, and received an answer from your clerk Joseph Christenson for which answer please accept my sinsere gratitude. I did not set forth my principal object, and when I had read your reply I thought the matter might have to be dropped. But nevertheless it is an aggrva- ting weight upon my mind and I do hereby most respectfully venture to reveal for you the cir-

Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 17 November 1891

Chattanooga, Tenn., Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bro: It may be that we have been neglectful in not reporting oftener regarding the Southern States Mission. Everything having gone along so smoothly thought perhaps it would be as well to wait until emigration came out; and as I intended accompanying them, could then give in a full and complete report. Our emigration company leaves Chattanooga Nov 24th reaching S. L. C. the 28th inst. Our company will not be large, owing to the stringency in money. The greater part of them will go to Arizona. The remain- der will be distributed throughout the settlements in Utah. We have at present eighty one Elders. Their health is generally good, although have released several on account of sickness, and some others that have filled their missions to return home with company. Have visited ten conferences which comprise all our fields of labor. Have received excellent reports which exibit faith energy and much perserverance.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Mis Clayson 4


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 17, 1891