Day in the Life

Nov 23, 1891

Journal Entry

November 23, 1891 ~ Monday

23 we held a combind Meeting with the
Presidency Twelve & Bank & Templeton Meeting
& finally concluded to still run the Templeton
H J Grant said there Livery Stable was in
Debt $70000. I signed 8 Recommends &
Recieved 5 Letters Vedi is quite sick but is doing
quite as well as can be Expected


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Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
274 mentions
Beebe, Vedi Clare Byer
5 May 1888 - 28 Feb 1964
26 mentions


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Letter from George Halliday, 23 November 1891
American Fork Prest. Woodruff Dear Brother, Elder John Sykes of this Ward has been appointed a mission to the Indian Territory, and to be ready to start next monday. Brother Sykes is willing to go, But as his Bishop, I feel it is my duty to inform you that his mother is in the last stage of Dropsey, and no hopes of her recovery, & we are expecting her to die any minute, & I beleived that when you knew of this fact, you would postpone his departure for a few days, & when his mother is Dead, he is ready & willing to start. Please let us know if his departure can be postponed for a a few days, & oblige all Parties yours with Respect Bp George Halliday


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 23, 1891