Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1891

Journal Entry

November 25, 1891 ~ Wednesday

25 we Met with the Board of the Bank & Apostles &
Templeton Company about continuing to keep up
the Templeton Hotel it was to continue some longer


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Letter from James Richard Smurthwaite, 25 November 1891
Brigham City, Utah, Wilford Woodruff Esq Salt Lake City Utah. Dear beloved President: During the past week certain gentle- men from Ogden have been in our city trying to organize a local lodge of the A. O. N. W. They succeeded in getting several young men to place their names on the application sheet. Among the rest is my name, hence I have a personal interest in what I am going to ask. It is an understood fact that years ago, the authorities of the Church, advised the brethern to let these secret societies alone, but as nothing had been said about it lately, some thought the ban has been removed, especially so, as several local lodges of the above named society has been established ^lately^ in different parts of the Territory, and composed mainly of those who held a standing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. If wrong to join these societies, the question is naturally
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid cash to Emma 10 [25] Paid Miss Clayson 4


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 25, 1891