Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1891

Journal Entry

December 11, 1891 ~ Friday

11. Friday I am still improveing I have a Number of callers

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Letter from George Teasdale, 11 December 1891
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Bp. W. D. John- son has an office in Deming and has been giv- ing advice to the colonists. I believe Mr Spence has been making out the papers for the breth- ren coming to Mexico. I do not know that it would forward them any better by ap- pointing him as agent. There is no one else in Deming doing that business that I know of. I presume his idea is to secure the mak- ing of the papers, of all who come here of our people, if he was appointed Agent. I do not see any necessity of having any one as long as Bp. Johnson has an office in Deming. The brethren have no one else to go to for papers except Mr Spence and they pay him for the work he does. With kind love, Your brother, George Teasdale.
Letter from James A. MacKnight, 11 December 1891
Helena, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. My Dear Sir: At the suggestion of my old friend Orson Whitney, I write to ask you what progress is being made in the preparation of the date for the syndicate article I proposed on the present condition of the Latter Day Saints. I outlined the plan to him, and he wrote me that it met with the favor of
Letter from Fred Lincoln Simon, 11 December 1891
Salt Lake City, Utah. President Wilwford Woodruff, President Vhurch Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sainsts. City. My Dear Sir: The Committee of the World's Columbain Fair has issued the following petitio^n^ to be signed by the people of Utah. May I ask you to kindly iendorse the movement, as it is undoubtedly in the right direction, and may I farther trouble you furnish me a complete list of the Bishops of the different wards in this Territory, so that I may have petitions mailed to them^?^ Yours Very Respectfuly Fred Simon. President Chamber of Commerce.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Dec 11, 1891