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Day in the Life

Jan 12, 1892

Journal Entry

January 12, 1892 ~ Tuesday

12 I went to the office stoped an hour was sick


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Letter from David Williams, 12 January 1892
Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in the Gospell in answere to the Call that has been made on me, to go on a mission to Grt Britain I feel it my duty to respond to the call allthough it was a little unexpected not been exactly prepared. but the way has been open for me by disposeing of my property, or a part thereoff, which i feel truly to thank God my Father in Heaven, for opening up the way for me. dear Brother i will be there at the
Letter from Elias Nielsen, 12 January 1982
Recd 14 [Jan. 1892] [end sideways text] Paris, Jan 12th 1892. Pres Wilford Woodrouff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of 30th has been recived. It was refered fowarded to to me from Logan as I came here to Paris some time ago. Dear Brother, I am very thankfull for the call, allhough my circumstances financially is not very good at the present. After School vere closed last Spring, I went to work and done pretty well during summer, in the fall I in connection with another Young man bought a Barber Outfit and came here to Paris. We spent what little money we did have we spe and have not made any over our expenses, since we came. I should like very much to go in Febuary but according to my circumstanses I hope that you will will give me a little time to prepare in. If it is not to much to ask I would be very pleased to have untill the fall of 1893 This will enable me by the help of the Almighty Sto prepare myselv both financial and otherwise. I am young and unexperient and in that time I would be able to Study learn and qualify myself much better for this possission. Dear Brother, I know

Jan 12, 1892