Day in the Life

Jan 13, 1892

Journal Entry

January 13, 1892 ~ Wednesday

13. I was quite poorly did not go to the office
I spent the day looking over my Papers


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Letter from William Chandler Parkinson, 13 January 1892
Preston, Idaho, Pres. Willford Woodruf Dear Brother recently there has been three young men called from this ward to go on Missions to Scandanavia namely John A. Larsen, Peter Jensen, & Thos. Sponberg aged respectively 21 19 & 18 years they all hold the office of Priests & before going if it meets your approval they desire to have their Endowments—they are requested to start as early as Feb. 20th hence you will see the necessity of an early reply that they may have time to get ready. also if there is no objections they would be pleased to spend one week at the Temple in order that they may get a more Thorough understanding of the covenants & obligations they take upon themselves in that sacred place. I would be pleased also if you could advise me as to the cost of their trip to their fields of labor your early reply will greatly Your Brother in the gospel W. C. Parkinson Bp. See over.

Jan 13, 1892