Day in the Life

Feb 5, 1892

Journal Entry

February 05, 1892 ~ Friday

5. A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Badlam & wife an invitation to come to
Attend my Party March 1. Also Sarah & Mary
Newton & wife Moses & Bell Lorenzo Snow & Phebe
& Leslie Snow 8 Letters I had an interview with
Mrs Col Trumbo Wrote 1 Letter to Calafornia {in} co


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11 mentions
Moses, Jesse Tilton, b. 1848
9 May 1848 - 26 Feb 1928
119 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
707 mentions
Apostle, Family
Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
169 mentions
Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
157 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter to Alexander Badlam Jr. and Mary Burgess Badlam, 5 February 1892

Mr and Mrs Alexander Badlam Our Dear Friends We are expecting to have a social meeting with a few of our Friends on March 1st 92, it being my 85th and Mrs Woodruff's 54th Birthday. We would be exceedingly pleased if you could be with us on that occasion. It would not only add to our own pleasure, but to the pleasure of all present. We realize it is quite a distance for you to come, but hope you will overlook that and honor us with your presence. Yours Respectfully

Letter from Maryette Blood Wetmore Root, 5 February 1892

Harrisville . Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear brother I am a widow 52 years old. My husband died 3 years ago. He was a faithfull Latter day Saint. We were sealed and endowed in the Logan Temple. I am in very poor circumstances and have been helped some by the Church, and will have to have more help unless I place myself in a condition to be indipendant. I would not do any thing to bring upon my self the displeasure of our Heavenly Father for any thing. I want to meet my husband in purity in the eternal worlds. So I came to you for concil. There is a man whom I could marry, he can give me a good home the rest of my days. But he dont belong to the Church, as has he has been in Utah 10 years, his wife and daughter joined the Church in the states. He came to Utah for their sake The wife died 3 years ago, the daughter is the plural wife of a good Elder. He has never

Letter from William Paxman, 5 February 1892

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, My Dear Brother, I am indeed sorry to have to record the Death of Bishop Neils Aagaard of Levan, in this Stake, which occured yesterday at 3 P. M. He was out on monday last, attending to business, yet, not feeling firstrate, and was taken with the grippe, and died very sudden indeed. I have not learned the particulars as yet, only a brief statement, announcing his death, etc. I think most likely that he will be buried on Sunday, and no doubt some of the offecers of the stake will be present. I sincerely hope that this will find you in improved health, and with kind love to you and your councilors, I remain your Brother in the Gospel. William Paxman

Letter from Peter Carlson, 5 February 1892

Logan, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: Your favor of Jany. 21st to hand and in an answer will state that as much as I would like to meet the call, so far as my personal feelings are concern, I must state that I am about $200.00 in debt and in consequense thereof could not leave my family, consisting of Wife and three children, without them falling a burden to the ward, and could not possibly pay my debt and get money enough for my fare to my place of labor. Your brother in the gospel Peter Carlson C J Larsen Bp. Let him be excused. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Feb 5, 1892