Day in the Life

Mar 11, 1892

Journal Entry

March 11, 1892 ~ Friday

11 I spent the day in the office had an interview with
Waddell He was permitted to continue his labors
for a season Keys crossed I ordained Archibald Hill to the
office of Patriarch Joseph F Smith was mouth
in ordaining Samuel Pridey A Patriarch


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Letter from Charles Edmond Luthy, 11 March 1892
Rexburg . President W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. My Dear Brother: I enclose letter from my old Country which is self explanatory. Doubtless you will remember last September I received a letter of inquiery in relation to me filling a Mission to my native home Switzerland I frankly laid before you the circonstances of my aged Mother, invalid Sister and also fully explained the course I propose to persue Vis: get my Mother confortably situated, save money and depart abroad, soon after this a New feature made its appearance, vis my wife infedelity, her marriage etc., the abuse of the new husband to my two children etc. I wrote fully to you all of the aforesaid Circonstances. Now I have worked exceedingly hard and have on hand to day something like $90 or $100 to start on, and see me through my mission, which amount will barely carry me to my field of Labor. Brethren, I dont by any means wish to be understood as offering the foregoing as excuses, for God knows I desire to honorably fill my mission, the only trouble is as you see, my own flesh and blood are apparantly left to the mercy of a Cold hearted people. If I send $100 as suggested in the letter Enclosed, this leaves me without one Cent to proceed to preach the Gospel.

Mar 11, 1892