Letter from George Moses Thomson, 12 March 1892
Richmond Mar 12th
Pres. Wilford Woodruff
Dear Brother.
You[r] letter came to hand yesterday.
In regard to going on a mission
I would say. I am perfectly willing
to go if circumstances were favorable.
I am teaching school and have
engadged till the last of June. I have
no means to go with as I started in
life with nothing and it has taken all
I could earn to buy a little home for
my wife and children. But if you
think I had better go, I can arrange
for some one else to take my school
provide money is furnished to pay
my expenses on my mission. I anxually ^anxiously^
wait your further instructions.
Very Resp.
Geo. M. Thompson.
I would let him remain, until he can
report himself prepared to go. J. F. S.