Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1892

Journal Entry

March 12, 1892 ~ Saturday

12 I spent the day at home overseeing the work
on my Lawn & flooming my water Ditch

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Letter from George Moses Thomson, 12 March 1892
Richmond Mar 12th 1892 Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. You[r] letter came to hand yesterday. In regard to going on a mission I would say. I am perfectly willing to go if circumstances were favorable. I am teaching school and have engadged till the last of June. I have no means to go with as I started in life with nothing and it has taken all I could earn to buy a little home for my wife and children. But if you think I had better go, I can arrange for some one else to take my school provide money is furnished to pay my expenses on my mission. I anxually ^anxiously^ wait your further instructions. Very Resp. Geo. M. Thompson. I would let him remain, until he can report himself prepared to go. J. F. S.
Letter from Orson Smith, 12 March 1892
Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro The Presidency and High Council of this Stake Unanimously reccomend Bro Benjiman F. Bingham for Bishop, for Trenton Ward, in the Cache Stake of Zion, and with your approoval we will proceed in the regular manner to place him before the saints of that place. With kindest regards Your Bro in Christ Orson Smith

Mar 12, 1892