Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1892

Journal Entry

March 14, 1892 ~ Monday

14 I had an interview with Sisters Horn
& Zina Young About Exhibiting Emma Smith's
Likeness at their Meeting they were permitted
to do so I herd read the account of the organization
of the relief society By the Prophet Joseph


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Letter from the Trustees of the L.D.S. College & Stake Board of Education, 14 March 1892

Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff and Members of the General Church Board of Education: Dear Brethren: In the same communication in which you asked us to release Dr. James E. Talmage from being Principal of the College, you requested that we should express our opinion as to the propriety of giving the Seminary at Mill Creek the status of an Academy. In the matter of the release of Dr. Talmage we had no alternative, as your letter indicated expressly your desire as to the action we should take. Upon the other subject, however, you simply asked for an expression of our views. In complying with this request, we take the opportunity to respectfully direct your attention to the present position of the College and the circumstances which have led up to its situation. According to instructions from the Central Board of Education we were elected and organized as a Board for this Stake, to have supervision of all Church schools within it. We were also given to understand that what was then the Salt Lake Stake Academy would in course of time assume the leading position in the system of Church schools, and of course all steps that were taken were based on that antici- pation. You directed that we should secure the services of Dr. James E. Talmage for Principal of the institution, and we did as you advised, and were thus enabled to give the Academy greater prestige, by enlarging the scientific department. In accordance with this development you instructed us to change the name and title of the institution, and give it the status of a college. By your direction we also lowered the tuition fees, thus increasing very materially our annual deficit by decreasing our income. At an early stage of our existence as a Board, we took initatory

Letter from Peter Nielsen, 14 March 1892

Harrisville Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dearly beloved brother In answer to your letter of the 7th Inst calling me on a mission to Scandinavia, I will say that with the help of the Lord I will be on hand at the time appointed. Your brother and fellow laborer in the Gospel of Christ, Peter Neilson P. G. Taylor Bishop O. K. J. F S.

Letter from Andreas Johansen, 14 March 1892

Hyrum Utah Prest Wiflford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro Your favor of 9th Inst to han[d] contents carefully noted and will say I cheafilly axcept the apointment and will be on hand at the time apointed if all is well as ever your Brother in the Gospel, Andreas. Johansen J. F. Wright Bp O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from David Stoker, 14 March 1892

Bountiful Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir I received yours of the 10th ^inst^ in regard to a mission to the United States will be ready if I can get my financial matters so arranged, as they are pretty badly scattered Respectfully David Stoker Chester Call (Bishop) All right J. F. S.

Letter from Olonzo David Merrill, 14 March 1892

Richmond, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother, I recieved the call to go as a missionary to Samoa a few days ago, and will say I feel thankful to the Lord that I am counted among ^those^ worthy of this call, but the leaving of home, family and friends is something which, of course, is hard to do: Although the work of the Lord must be spread among all people and I am willing to accept this call and will be on hand when the time comes. Can you give me instruct- ions in detail how to prepare to start? The cost of passage? How much money needed and athe like? Your Brother Olonzo D Merrill Wm L Skidmore Bp; Please give him the information he desires. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from A. S. Dobbs, 14 March 1892

On the Cars Monday President Woodruff Dear Sir. I preached in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Utah yesterday forenoon as per announcement in the Tribune It would have been my pleasure to give a course of Oriental lectures in the city this veek, but the vay seemed to be hedged up As I vas leaving this morning, as vell as yester day many expressed a desire to hear them & suggested that I confer vith you in refference to delivering some of them in your Assembly room at a coming date. This would please me pro- viding the date be next veek or the veek after I vill give you the first of three lectures named on bills for $150 you making terms of ad- mission & clearing all you can out of them If you vant four lectures all will be $175 Of course I should not be so rude as to refer to controverted matters. If you desire to know of my ability as a speaker from

Mar 14, 1892