Day in the Life

Mar 15, 1892

Journal Entry

March 15, 1892 ~ Tuesday

15. I spent the Day in the Gardo I met with the Board
of Z.C.M.I. Moses Thactch wished to resign from
the Board & Execitive Committee & wished to
sell his stock we had a hard East wind in the


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Letter from the Trustees of the L.D.S. College & Stake Board of Education, 15 March 1892
SALT LAKE CITY, . TO PRESIDENT WOODRUFF, AND MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL CHURCH BOARD OF EDUCATION: DEAR BRETHREN: You have informed us that it is proposed to change the title of Young University to "The University of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." In view of a bequest made by President Brigham Young for the purpose of founding a scholastic establishment, and in consequence of certain conditions attached to said bequest and of a desire to per- petuate his name in connection with an institution of that character, we are asked our opinion as to the propriety of changing the name of teh^e^ Latter-Day Saints' College to that of "Young Academy." In answer, we have to say, that we see nothing to hinder the suggested change being made, providing a proposition we have to pre- sent is agreed to. It is as follows, viz:
Letter from William J. Critchlow, 15 March 1892
Ogden, Utah, . Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: My brother Jno. Q. Critchlow, recently received a letter from your office asking him to take a mission to which he replied stating his willingness to go, but in doing so he gave no consideration to his temporal circumstances, and being familiar with them I take the liberty of addressing you a line or two concerning the matter which I trust is not improper My brother finds himself at present financially strapped so to speak without even a dollar to pay his passage, and my parents being poor and scarcely able to meet their necessary circum- stances find themselves unable to render any assistance unless they sacrifice a part of their home to do so, and myself having just recently returned from a mission to Europe, and also unable to assist my brother for the last year or two has had to assist and keeping our family, and consequently has had no oppertunity of saving up any money, his wages at any time not exceeding

Mar 15, 1892