Day in the Life

Mar 16, 1892

Journal Entry

March 16, 1892 ~ Wednesday

16 I was quite unwell this Morning I met with the
Examiners who were taking testimony upon the subject
of the true Church & who owned the Temple Block in Jackson

^ An arrow^ I had a Meeting with some 15 Leading Democratts
who were Deeply incensed because Logan had gone
Republican they laid it to the influence of the Presidents
of the Church using their influence to accomplish this
they read several Affidafits to that Effect myself
& Joseph F Smith Answered them

Keys crossed I met with Professor Elliot President of
Harvard College which position he had ocupied for
some 30 years I met him & his wife At Mrs Jennings
& took supper I waited upon Mrs Elliot at the
Table, we went to the Tabernacle at 7:30 to attend
a Lecture of Mr Elliot we had the organ played
& Music by the Quire I Introduced Professor Elliot
to the Assembly who spoke about 45 Minuts in
a Beautiful & Pleasing manner And advocated the
rights of all people to the free Enjoyment of all
Religious & political rights. I made a few remarks
& returned thanks to Mr Elliot for his liberal
views delivered I went home sick


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Letter from Evan Stephens, 16 March 1891

Rcd Salt Lake. March President Woodruff & Councilors Brethren, I have, at last, finished up the concert accounts and given my report to Bishops Preston, Winder and Burton. I am glad to learn that you were present, and hope that every thing was satisfactory to you. The financial outcome you will see from the reports in the hands of the Bishops. While it is not large, considering the amount of sickness prevelent at the time, I cannot but think it was a fair result of our effort.

Letter from John Waldemar Dehlin, 16 March 1892

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I received the Call to go to Scandanavia as a Missionary I cheerfully accept it and will try and persent myself at the Historians Office at the appointed time Your Bro. in the Gospel John Dehlin C. N. Lund Bp: O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from William Tobler, 16 March 1892

Santa Clara Mr. Wilford Woodruff. Salt L. City. Dear Brother. With great surprise I received your Letter regarding a mission to Switzerland and Germany. The Only obstacle I have to offer is that I have not got the necessary means as yet, and at present do not know where I can obtain them. But I hope and trust that my Heavenly Fathe will open up ways where by I can obtain them so that I can fill this mission. I have been Ever willing to respond to any call that the Priesthood of God ^has^ made of me, up to the present time. And I feel with

Discourse 1892-03-16

President Woodruff then arose and said: At the close of this meeting I would like to say a few words. I feel to re- turn thanks for and in behalf of this assembly to Professor Eliot for his short but very interesting and import- ant lecture, or discourse, that he has given unto us. There is not a word or sentiment presented by him here tonight but what I could receive conscientiously before God, and I think all Latter- day Saints and all former day saints and all American citizens could say yea and amen to it, because it is filled with principles of Americanism, of the spirit of the Constitution of the United States in the rights and liber- ties of every man, woman and child who inherits this land. I am thankful that I have lived to see the day when I have been privil- eged to listen to such gentlemen from abroad present to us such sentiments as given here tonight. And I hope the day is not far distant when Utah may receive all these principles of liberty which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and as they are enjoyed in Massachusetts. (Applause.)

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

of Jack church 200

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

One hat $5 17th on Plate Note $124 129

Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 16 March 1892

[end sideways text] Te Aroha, New Zealand, Mar. 16th 1892. President Wilford Woodruff, & Counselors. Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A. Beloved Brethren; The last Sanfran- cisco Steamer being ^delayed^ did ^not^ reach Auckland till after the out going one had departed therefrom, thereby preventing me from acquainting you earlier with the safe arrival of Elders Goddard, Fisher, Palmer & Chipman all of whom I think will make good useful Elders in this field of labor. The Steerage accomodations were very poor on the "Alameda" and they were pleased to terminate the long unpleasant voyage. Elder H. D. Haight who has been honourably released from this mission to return home had left the wharf about an hour before their arrival per "S.S. Monowai" We can use two more Elders ^2^ in this field, I think, to a good advantage, would like it if they could leave Sanfrancisco about June 23rd. I would like also to have Six Elders leave Sanfrancisco for this field of labor September 10th as we will be releasing about that number to leave It would be well to select these soon and notify them J. F. S.

Mar 16, 1892