Day in the Life

Apr 3, 1892

Journal Entry

April 03, 1892 ~ Sunday

3. Sunday The 62 Annual Conference Met this 3 day
Keys crossed of April 1892 Prayer By Lorenzo Snow G. Q. Cannon
spoke 25 Minutes, F D Richards 40 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By A M C, J F Smith spoke 60 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes Sabbath school Met in the Evening


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
818 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4142 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
707 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Discourse 1892-04-03
President Wilford Woodruff Remarked that as a few moments yet remained before the service of that afternoon closed, he desired to occupy the remainder of the time. He had been very much afflicted during the last three or four days—so much so that he at one time feared he would not be able to speak at this Conference at all. However, he had some things upon his mind that he would like to say to the Latter-day Saints before the Con- ference ended, and there were a few he might mention that afternoon. Referring to the subjects treated upon by the preceding speaker, President Woodruff said the Lord had labored from the creation of the world to do all that He could, consistent with the agency of men, to fit them for the highest glory they were capable of receiving; and from the days of Father Adam down to our day, whenever the Lord had a people on the earth who would obey Him, He had raised up Prophets and Apostles and given unto them the Holy Priest- hood and the keys and powers thereof, that they might administer to the sons and daughters of Adam and prepare them for celestial glory. But under that law, under the administration of those men, the opposition of the world had been encountered; and whenever men undertook to live righteous lives and keep the law of God they had to suffer persecution. The Lord had promised through the mouths of the ancient Patriarchs and Apostles, for thousands of years that are past and gone, that in the latter days He would send the fulness of the everlasting Gospel to the children of men; that He would raise up Prophets and Apostles; that He would organize His Church and Kingdom on earth; that He would raise up men to go forth for the last time and prune His vineyard with a mighty pruning, to prepare for the coming of the Son of Man. The sons of Israel today who dwelt in the congregation before him were a class of those men. God had called them from the nations of the earth—Apostles, Prophets, Elders, Seventies and High Priests, and the Lesser Priesthood, to labor in the vineyard for the last time, to gather out the inhabitants of the earth as far as they would listen to the testi- mony borne to them, calling upon them to prepare for the great work of God which was at their doors. The Elders of Israel had traveled tens of thousands of miles to accomplish this. The conduct of the Latter-day Saints should be very different from the rest of the world, who did not pro- fess these things. The Kingdom of God was here upon the earth in its fulness. There were many things be- longing to this Church and Kingdom which were not looked for in the world. One of these was union. That was a law of God belonging to the Latter- day Saints. Like the ancient Prophets and Apostles, the modern Prophets and Apostles should be united in their work in the flesh; and we as a people should not deviate from this rule. There should be unity throughout, a unity of heart and mind, from the Pres- ident of the Church and his two coun-
Discourse 1892-04-03
Attended all the meetings of the 62nd anual confrence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints comencing April 3rd and ending the 6th with the laying of the capstone on the Temple at 12.30 oclocck ^mid^ 4/6 [18]92 by President Wilford Woodruff by the aid of electricity. The following is an account of sermons at the confrence. President G. Q. Cannon made the opening remarks he spoke of the favorable conditions existing at present, also the openings, and favorable conditions for the Elders to labor in Turkey, The Netherland, Pacific Islands, namely, Samoa Sandwich Islands, New Zealand and in the [sideways text] about 50,000 people pre'st [end of sideways text]

Apr 3, 1892