Day in the Life

Sep 29, 1892

Journal Entry

September 29, 1892 ~ Thursday

29 I met Joseph at the office this morning and returned
30 sMet with Twelve & had Prayers


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions


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Letter from George Goddard, 29 September 1892
Prest W. Woodruff & Council Dear Brethren, In case an apology is needed for trespassing on your time, I will simply state, that pure sympathy and goodwill, towards an old and afflicted church employee is the only one I can offer. I mean Edward R Parry. About 20 years ago, President Young after looking at his bare limb (some three years after the ^accident^ accurred,) told him he should never lack for employment, in anything he was capa- ble of performing. For many years he had charge of the weighing machine office, and sustained an untainted reputation as a
Telegram from Thomas C. Stanford and L. J. Hawks, 29 September 1892
Dated San Francisco To Prest Wilford Woodruff Elder Otto ^Lyman^ Chipman died August 31 in New Zealand. Please notify family at American Fork. Am bringing body Thos C Stanford and L. J. Hawks (returning missionaries in charge of body.) Bro. Lyman left here in February last


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Sep 29, 1892