Day in the Life

Dec 7, 1892

Journal Entry

December 07, 1892 ~ Wednesday

7. I met with Wm F Cody Buffalo Bill and company English
& Major Mild way of the Grenadiers Guards

George F. McKnight & wife visited us to day Mrs
McKnight was Deeply taken with Mormonism
I gave her permission to visit the Temple which she
considered a great Blessing Buffalo Bill and English company
they were vary much pleased with their visit to Salt Lake City
I met with the savings Bank Board and with several
of the board of the Saltair Beach Company


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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 7 December 1892
Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I write in behalf of Bro Patison Delos Griffeth and His two wives Elizabeth and Sarah Griffeths, also His Mother who is deseased (Maria Rockwell)who wish to have second Anointings, Bro Griffeths is an old settler in this valley and an excelent man always been on the right side and is valient for Zion, is 69 years old, His wives are also quite aged, and good faithful L.D.Saints, His Mother I did not know but He represents Her as being one of the early members of the Church and a faithful good woman died at the age of 45 Maney years ago, He wants Her sealed to some good Man who has had His 2nd anointings and His Mother to have Hers with Him if you will approve. His Father was not in the Church, I have told Him this was out of the ordinary line of giving second annointing for His Mother, without living with the Man she was annointed to in Life but would lay the matter before you for Him, I think Bro Griffeth & wives are worthey of this Blessing in every Respect — Hopeing you are well I am Respectfully yours M. W. Merrill


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Dec 7, 1892