Day in the Life

Dec 8, 1892

Journal Entry

December 08, 1892 ~ Thursday

8 I met with Wm F Mr Babcock & Wendell Benson
the Builder of the Nutsford Hotel, Mr Babcock spoke strong
against the Government for taking our property He said
it must all be returned to the Church I met with my
two councillors & 5 of the Twelve for Prayer H J Grant
wife is vary low & but little prospect of Living


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Letter from William Claude Clive, 8 December 1892
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro There is considerable friction at present among musicians of Salt Lake City on account of members of the Musical Union refusing to play with non-members in Orchestras, Bands or Concert Orchestras. I make music my Profession and depend upon it for my support, would like to know wether you think it advisable for members of the Church to join the union Your Bro W. C. Clive 45 South, 1st West St Salt Lake City
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Received from 4 shares of Desert Bank 1020 00 [Dec 8] Received from Jaqus Valley House rent 160 00 11253 20
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid $620 Tithig ^1020^ & $400 for E B Nauvoo Temple $1022220 [Dec 8] Paid To Church for {shorthand} 8 to H A W 40


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Dec 8, 1892