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Day in the Life

Jul 23, 1893

Journal Entry

July 23, 1893 ~ Sunday

23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading we had a Hard
Thunder shower in the Evening Asahel & Alice went
up to the Granite in the Evening. The whole country


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
654 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
182 mentions


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Letter from Andrew Locy Rogers, 23 July 1893
Pre. W. Woodruff and Council- Dear Brethren After some delay from different causes. I hereby send you- my acceptance and also that of my wife ^Clara^ to the 20 weeks term of Sunday School Normals commencing in August at the B. Y. Academy Provo. Your Brother Andrew. L. Rogers From Snowflake Stake Arizona
Letter from Charlotte Rowntree Hunter, 23 July 1893
To the First Presidency of the Church. Dear Sirs, I am in recept of your letter notifying me of the call as missionary to the Normal School, in behalf of the Sunday School. I feel willing to accept the Labor, and earnestly pray that I will be competent to fill the mission expected of me. I remain yours respectfully Charlotte Rowntree Nephi.


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Jul 23, 1893