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Day in the Life

Jul 24, 1893

Journal Entry

July 24, 1893 ~ Monday

24 [FIGURE 1] is in Arms upon the silver question The west
wants silver & the East wants Gold I met the saints
[FIGURE 16] at the Tabernacle at 10:30 for a consort I made a
vary short Address followed by the Govornor then the Quire
of singers occupied the forenoon I went home


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West, Caleb Walton
25 May 1844 - 25 Jan 1909
18 mentions


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Letter from D. W. Cluff, 24 July 1893

Pima To President, W. Woodruff, Dear Brother I have a Little matter I wish to ask your council on. afew days ago a young Lamonite Lammonite came to our house & asked for a home. he is about 16 years old he does not remember any thing about his parents he was stollen by the whites when quite young goes by the name of William his parents name he does not no this is the point I wish your council on he has a dezire to be babtised babtizied.

Letter from James A. Hansen, 24 July 1893

Newton Presedunt Wilford Woodruff Salt lake city Der brother I have reseived the letter you sent me and asked me if I am wiling to go on a mission to Scandinavia and leave Salt Lake City August the 26 next I can say that it is consistent with my feelings and I wilingly acapt the call and will triy and be present the day pre[v]ious to be set a part and be redy to start on the 26 of agust next I Your Brother in the Gospel James A Hansen Newton Cache Co Utah William H Griffin Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter from Don C. Musser, 24 July 1893

Haifa First Presidency Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethern: I have at last succeeded in get- ting some of our tracts printed in the arabic language a few coppies of which I herein enclose They were printed at Jerusalem by a Jew at a cost of 100.00 frs per 2000. The Christians of Jerusalem would not permit them under any consideration though I gave them all a chance. It was through the kindness of Mr. Jos. Schore a Jewish proselyte and manager of the Church of

Letter from Thomas Charles Stanford, 24 July 1893

[end upside-down text]


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Jul 24, 1893