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Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1893

Journal Entry

July 25, 1893 ~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day in the office


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Letter from Charles Roscoe Savage, 25 July 1893

Salt Lake City, President Woodruff Dear Brother— I send you the por- traits as desired. They are not as good as I would like them to be If you can make use of them do so. They will not cost anything to you. Yours faithfully C. R. Savage

Letter from Ephraim Ellertson, 25 July 1893

Mona Juab Co President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear President: Yours of the 12 inst was received, and in answer would say, that I feel to accept of the call made of me as a missionary to New Zeland. If the Lord will give me health and strength I will be ready by the appointed time for my departure. Your Brother in the Gospel, Ephraim Ellertson James. H. Newton. Bishop This is a good response J. F. S.

Letter from Jedediah Goff, 25 July 1893

President Woodruff Dear Brother On the 12th of July I received a notice from you advising me that I was called on a mission to Tasmania; Desiring me also to state my feelings in regards to it, my feelings are I am willing to go on a mission. The true state of my affairs is I have some farm produce with other property to sell. Enough if sold in a fair market, to pay my debts and put me in my field of labor. I have no money saved up ahead. I also have a wife and six small children "the oldest under ten years old" to leave unprovided for, only as the Lord will bless them. This is as matters stand with me. I will leave myself in your hands. I remain your ever loving brother Jedediah Goff John A Egbert Bp

Letter from Ira Nathaniel Hinckley and Joshua Greenwood, 25 July 1893

Fillmore, Utah, . Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Inclosed find recommendation of four persons whom we have selected to attend the B. Y. Academy twenty weeks in the intrest of the Sunday School. You desired five should be called from Millard Stake but the fifth has not been forwarded to us. the names are as follows: Elmer Hinckley Fillmore U.T. John E Hunter Holden U.T. Charles W. Hopkins Kanosh U.T. G.W. Warnick Deseret U.T. Your Brothern I. N. Hinckley Stake Pres. Joshua Greenwood S. Supt By Jesse H Giles Secy.

Letter from M. W. Merrill, 25 July 1893

Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I have this day Cancelled the sealing record of John Johnson Dunn and Sarah Jane Kinnamon who were sealed here by J. T. D. Mcalister on June 19th 1884 as per your letter of instruction of July 18th 1893 Respectfully yours M. W. Merrill


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Jul 25, 1893