Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1893

Journal Entry

July 26, 1893 ~ Wednesday

26. I met a Number of Brethren at the office I met
with Parley P Pratt who had Nothing to Eat we made
arangements for him to get some food at the Tithing office


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Pratt, Parley Parker, b. 1837
25 Mar 1837 - 25 Aug 1897


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Letter from William Edward McBride, 26 July 1893

Pima President Woodruff Dear brother, I receved your call through President Layton, and accept the same I will be there, on the specified and will do the best that I can with the help of the lord. yours Truly Wm. Mc. Bride

Letter from Orson Smith, 26 July 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother The quarterly conference of Cache Stake convenes Sunday at 10 a.m. I take this liberty of calling your attention to it, that we may be informed as to the brethern who will visit us. We shall be pleased with the presence of your self or any of the brethern you may wish to send. With kind regards Your Bro in the Gospel Orson Smith

Letter from Josiah Philip Rudy, 26 July 1893

First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethren, Your call of a late date is at hand and although I have tried to fore-see the emensity of the labor to which you have called me, I cannot but accept the call. I will put forth every ef- fort to be in Provo on the day appointed and by the Grace of God I hope to fill an honorable mission. Your Brother the Work, J. P. Rudy.

Letter from George Chandler Parkinson, 26 July 1893

Franklin, Idaho President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren In response to your circular letter of June 1st [18]93 in which you kindly extend to the Oneida Stake the privelage of sending eight students to the B. Y. Academy to pursue a twenty-weeks Course in Sunday School Work, we desire to submit the following list of names of those most suitable to perform such a mission: Robert Cole Fairview Oneida Co. Idaho 1st Term Nellie Greaves Preston [Oneida Co. Idaho] [1st Term] Moses Muir Chesterfield Bannock Co. Idaho Second [Term] Seth H. Thomas Franklin Oneida Co. [Idaho] [Second Term] Wm Kirkup [Franklin Oneida Co. Idaho] [Second Term] As yet we are not prepared to report the other three names, as we have not heard from Weston, Whitney and Gentile Valley, and it seems very difacult to find suitable persons in this stake whose circumstances are such that they can leave their farms and business to attend the first term, hence but two are suggested. Trusting our report is not too late and that we may still have the oppertunity of sending the other three. I am Your Bro. in the Gospel. Geo. C. Parkinson

Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 26 July 1893

Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, Prest Willford Woodruff and Councillors Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brether[n] I wish to relate to you some of our conditions you have no doubt read or heard of the letter that was published in the Clarion Ledger of State of Missipsi The origin of this letter started with some of our brethern from Mississippi they were somewhat disapointed with the country and fell into the clutches of one of the Bitterest apostates we have (named Wilkin a son of the builder of the old Wilkin Hall) He told there was a law on statutes of that state that when any of her natural born cittisens left the state and was dissatisfied that the Governor could make an appropriation to pay there expenses home, etc. Now they wrote a letter to that effect and let Willkie have it to copy hence the letter that was wrote and published. To counter- act its influence I got the "Territorial Superin- tendent of Public Schools" Who lives here and has taught our public schools for five years to address Governor Stone on the


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Jul 26, 1893