Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1893

Journal Entry

July 28, 1893 ~ Friday

July 28 1893
I had an interview with Legrand Young and
others in the fore noon. In the Afternoon I went
with Emma & several of the Brethren to Saltair about
4000 were there we returned by car at 7:50 35 Mils


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1031 mentions
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921


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Letter from Oscar Wilkins Jr., 28 July 1893

Provo City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your letter of the 20th. received, and contents noted. Through advice, I have taken much thought in regards to this labor. As I have been accepted for the promulgation of the everlasting Gospel, and as there is no reasonable obstacle, except the scarcity of money, I will accept the appointment, and make preparations at once, to start at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel, Oscar Wilkins, Jr., E. Wride Bp. per D. John David John Good. J. F. S.

Letter to Mrs. Thomas Shreeve, 28 July 1893

Salt Lake City, . ELDER Mrs. Thos Shreeve (5th Ward) Ogden, Dear Brother: ^Sister:^ You have been suggested and accepted as a Mission- ary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course (held in connection with the Brigham Young Academy, at Provo), to receive the instruc- tions therein given with the view that when you return home, you will, under the direction of the local authorities, assist in establishing and conducting a like course among the Sunday School Teachers of the Stake in which you reside. Should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from accepting this call, we would be pleased to have you make your ar- rangements to be in Provo on Monday, 21st August 1893. Please let us know at your earliest convenience what your feelings are with regard to this labor. If you accept you will receive no further notification, but will be expected to present yourself at the Academy on the date above named. The course will continue twenty weeks. Such information as you may desire with regard to reduced railroad rates, cost of board, etc., can be obtained by addressing Principal B. Cluff, Jr., at the Academy. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Letter from William Henry Seegmiller, 28 July 1893

Richfield, Utah, Presdt W Woodruff Dear Bro: At our last Priesthood meeting we instructed the Bishops and Sunday School Superentendents to forward us the names of a suitable person for to take the normal Sunday school course of 20 weeks at B. Y. Academy. Some have not yet responded the following have be suggested and we approve of them Richfield 1st Ward Martin Jensen [Richfield] 2nd [Ward] Alfred P. Nielson Monroe [Ward] Teancum Hunt Elsinore (Would like to go 2" term) Christian Harmonsen Joseph [Ward] John A. Parker Glenwood [Ward] J. C. Jensen Scarcety of money has no doubt prevented some of the wards from answering call to date. Very Respectfully Wm H Seegmiller

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received cash for church $50 $10 60


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Jul 28, 1893