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Day in the Life

Aug 2, 1893

Journal Entry

August 02, 1893 ~ Wednesday

2nd I spent the day in the office we held 3 Meetings
one with Zions savings Bank, one with a joint Meeting
of State & Savings Bank, & one with the Presidency
{It looks as though the two banks would have to stop and close up.}


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Letter from Charles Kelly, 2 August 1893

Chicago, . Chief Apostle, of Mormon Church, Rev. Dear Sir, I am desirous of gaining true information of Mormonism, and believe that notwith- standing reports to the con- trary, your religion would meet my approval. I am an ex teacher, thorough- ly posted in all Commercial branches, and can fill the position of clerk, or salesman

Letter from Erik Olson, 2 August 1893

Presedent Wilford Woodruff Deare Brolder [Brother] Your of 21 of July has ben Receved calling me on a Missin to Sandinavia and I ^am^ villing to fulfil that mission. But I would be Pleast to have my you axstend may time till Efter marst the forst [18]94 for the Reason that I am chorge of other mans Rancho and coud Not start on the date appointetd with out a lose. myy contract is Not fild untill the forst of marst and woud tike to leave may afarer [my affairs]

Letter from Ada Calder Winder, 2 August 1893

First Presidency of the Church. Dear Brethren: In reply to yours of the 31st I very much regret to say that a previous engagement compells me to decline the acceptance of the call as a missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course. If it were possible I should be pleased and honored to accept and preform the call to the best of my ability. Your Sister in the Gospel, Ada Calder. She will, of course have to be excused. J. F. S.

Letter from Nellie Greaves Spidell, 2 August 1893

Preston, Idaho. . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother Woodruff, I received your letter, of Aug 28, in which I am called as a Missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo. I accept the call and will attend and do the best I can to the accomplishment of the mission. Yours Most Respectfully Nellie Greaves Preston Oneida Idaho

Letter from Hyrum Johnson, 2 August 1893

Provo Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother - Received your letter, which called me to a 20 Weeks course of the Sunday School Normal class, commencing Aug 21 [18]93, in reply to which will say that while I am over anxious to fulfill my calling, I should like to present my circumstances for your advise. Times have been very dull all spring and summer and I have been out of employment and now have a 3 months job at the Sugar Factory the proceeds of which seem almost necessary for the support of my family this winter. and I have thought if I could attend the second instead of the first term, it would be more convenient for me. I am willing however to abide your decision.


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Aug 2, 1893