Day in the Life

Aug 3, 1893

Journal Entry

August 03, 1893 ~ Thursday

3 I went to the office found a Meeting of the deseret
Company I met with Prest Cannon & Smith & the
6 of the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer we all Prayed


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2264 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4132 mentions


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Letter from David Henry Cannon, 3 August 1893

St. George, Utah Prest Woodruff and the other members of the Church Board of Education Brethren: As the time for reg- gular opening of another school year approaches, we deem it proper to make statement of condition of affairs per- taining to St George Stake Academy. Finding, a year ago that, notwithstand- ing the generous aid your honorable Board have afforded us annully, it would be impracticable to keep up our Academy by relying on the addition of tuition of the scant number of students likely to attend, we concluded to make a canvass among our capable Brethren of the Stake for subscriptions that we might have a Free school for those not feeling quite able to pay their own tuition—and thus get a larger attendance. We had the

Letter from Rudger Clawson, 3 August 1893

Brigham City, Utah, Prest W. Woodruff Dear bro: Replying to your letter in relation to Sunday School missionaries, I submit the following names: For the course commencing Aug 19. 19. [18]93: Chas. Olsen, Brigham City Box Elder Co Geo. F. Narding Willard [City] [Box Elder Co] Jos. Jensen Mantua, (Geneva P.O.) [Box Elder Co] For the course commencing Jany. 8, [18]934: Nels. Madsen, Brigham City, Box Elder Co Jos. Hunsaker, Honeyville [Box Elder Co] Peter M. Hansen, Bear River City [Box Elder Co] Wm Roe Snowville [Box Elder Co] Your bro Rudger Clawson

Letter from Enoch Hampton Stone, 3 August 1893

Salem President Woodruff dear brother, I have a matter to lay before you for your consideration, a short time ago there was a few names sent in from this place to select missionarys from, among them was the name of my boy, David A Stone, not knowing but what he might be called, I thought it might be best for me you to know our circumstances first, I am a cripple verry near disabled from rheumatism, am a poor man have a family of six ^seven^ to provide for, under these circumstances I thought I would drop these few lines for your consideration, and would respectfully ask that his calling

Letter from Gottlieb Schmutz, 3 August 1893

New Harmony Dear Brother Wilford Woodruff The years time is neere at hand wich was granted to me by the missionary Committee of the Apostles, for wich to prepare myself for my Europein Mission. Aand I thought I would Write to you agin and Aske for advise from you; I am Willing to fill my mission; but I am shorte of meens to take me there I have bin working on my little farme this summer, and consign intly have not had no cash comming in speekingly it is a hard thing to git down here I have worked to git som one to worke me and chenge about in herding Sheep on that is about the only cash jobs here but did not suckcede; and I am still trying to git ready to go I have sold one of my worke teem horse on time of seven months, but asthat dus not help at present. I am willing to sacrefise any thing in shape of stolke [stock] ^of wich i have not many^ to git meens to go with but it ^is^ hard times to sell mamny thing now days; I have little farme wich I depend on for my Familys suport wich I have not yet had a chance to rent out, but am in hops soon. I have about $50 dallors on hand is all I could do till present. Now I have told as mere my surcomstances as possible and Treauely need a good Fatherly advise

Letter from David John, 3 August 1893

Provo City, Utah, Pres. Woodruff and Counsel. Dear Brethren: In answer to your letter of Aug. 1st I wish to say, that rumors have been current for the last three months that the Roman Catholic are anxious to secure the B. Y. A. onfor careful examination, we have found no facts to prove the asser- tion. A Catholic bishop has several times, eulogized the location of Provo and paticularly the location of the B. Y. Academy (adding that a good school could be built up there. That remark, I think, has caused some to believe that he is after it. I have no doubt but that they should like to get it, if they could

Letter from Frank Davis, 3 August 1893

Salt Lake City, . Presidents W. Woodruff & Counselors: Dear Brethren, Yours of the 31st ult calling me as a missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo, was received and I have presented the matter to my employer, Amos Howe. He says, as I am the only person employed by him in the pattern shop, it would be very in- convenient to him if I should go on this mission, as it would take a stranger some time to get acquainted with the bus- iness. I make this explanation in justice to Bro. Howe, but for myself I am willing to accept the call. Awaiting further instructions from you

Letter from Alfred P. Nielsen, 3 August 1893

Richfield Wilford Woodrouf, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos F. Smith. Dear Brethern, I received youre letter of July 31st just a few days ago, which notified me of the fact, that I am called as a missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course, at Provo. My feeling, in regard to this labor, is good. I will accept of the appointment, and endevor to the best of my ablility to fulfill the same, and will make my arrangments to be at Provo at the time requested, but owing to the financial depresment at the present time I am not at pressent in possetion of the

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Window Sash $120 Sylvia $7 8 20


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Aug 3, 1893