Day in the Life

Aug 15, 1893

Journal Entry

August 15, 1893 ~ Tuesday

15. A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to David P Woodruff. I Blessed
a son of Frank Y. Taylor namd Wilford Woodruff


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Taylor, Frank Young
4 Nov 1861 - 19 Mar 1953
5 mentions

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Letter from J.E. Johnson, 13 August 1893

Huntington President Wilford Woodraerff Salt Lake City Dear Brother in Reply to yours with a Call for six missionaries to the normal M I Coarse at Provo Will say it is our intention to Raise the amount & send them if Possible But the time is so short & we are so financialy Cripled that I cannot say Just what we can doo however we are in hopes to do Something Very Resp J. E. Johnson Stake Supt Emery stake

Letter from Benjamin Clegg Jr., 15 August 1893

Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt L. City Dear Brother Your letter of the 4th came safe to hand. I am wiling to except of the call and do the best I can. About the only excuse I have I am not a preach er and I am not in very good circumstances at the present. I am a young man only been married between 4 & 5 years I started on a new home and I was unfortunate last season. I sould nearly all the grain I raised to the Spanish fork Grading Co over $200.1/00 dollars

Letter from George Benjamin Foster, 15 August 1893

Whitney President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I have received a letter from you dated Aug. 4th calling me on a mission to Great Britian In reply will say that it will be next to Impossable for me to arrange my affairs to start by the date named in your letter (Sep. 23rd) If you can arrainge for me to leave three weeks or a month later I will use every means in my power to fullfill the call Your brother in the gospel Geo. Foster I endorse this answer Geo T Benson Bp over

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 15 August 1893

Rexburg, Idaho Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Our conference was held at Iona Sun. and Mon. 13 and 14th inst. when we had with us Apostle B. Young, Brothers C. D. Fjeldsted, Geo. Reynolds, Geo. Goddard and T. C. Griggs. There was a large attendance of saints and altho' the weather was somewhat disagreeable a general good time was enjoyed the spirit of God being manifested in all our meetings. We are exceedingly thankful for the goodly number of Brethren who visited us and imparted to us so many good instructions. Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from Seth Hadlond Thomas, 15 August 1893

Franklin, ^Idaho^, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 28 ult. at hand and contents noted. I defered answering until I could confer with president Geo. C. Parkinson, of this stake, respecting the matter of which you wrote me, viz; to take A course at the B. Y. Acadamy of Provo, in the interest of the Sunday school, ie to study to become a Sunday school teacher. At our last quarterly confer- ence I was chosen to preside over the Y. M. M. I. As. of this stake, and when I got your letter I did not know but that lone call would interfier with the other. President Parkinson desires me to take A course in the mutual class at Provo to qualify for the labor here in the stake, and thinks I can take both courses at once; howev- er, I will have the matter with you as to which course I shall take, and if I possibly can will be at Provo the 8th of January 1894. Your Brother Seth H. Thomas I should say if he can take both courses. All right. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

1 sack sugar $7 girl 4 week $12 19 [Aug 15] Emma $8 (18 (1) girl 3 Allice 6 Em 5 22


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Aug 15, 1893