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Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1893

Journal Entry

August 16, 1893 ~ Wednesday

16 I met with a son of Gen Clarkson & a companion
I Paid C H Wilcken for 9 tons of Hay $6, $54 for G Q Cannon
In company with Emma I visited Brother Butterworth 14 mile


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85 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
878 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
1992 mentions
55 mentions
3 mentions

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Letter from David Pulsipher Jr., 16 August 1893
Erastus Pres Wilfford Woodruff Dear Brother I recived your letter The other day and in answer to it I will say athat I have not got any means to go with swithout selling my place to the mexaicans my father has been a criple for 10 years and havent been able to ado any work at all and I have had to take care of the family and we are prety poor now Your Brother in the gosplel David Pulsipher, Jr Christopher J. Kempe Bishop Concho Aug. 16th 1893 over
Letter from John C. Sharp, 16 August 1893
Vernon, Tooele County, Utah, Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: Bro. Karl Wilson ^of this Ward^ called here this morning, and informed me, he had been called to go on a mission to Scandiniavia, Sept 23rd he requested me to say he would be ready to go. Respectfully Your Bro. John C. Sharp Bishop All right. J. F. S


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Aug 16, 1893