Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1893

Journal Entry

August 24, 1893 ~ Thursday

24. Keys crossed I went to the office in the morning Held a
Meeting with Bishop Whitney upon the History of the church


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73 mentions


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Letter from Asa Walter Judd, 24 August 1893

Prest. Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter calling me again as a missionary to the Netherlands, was duly received. By my Maker's blessings, I will be on hand, according to instruction, at time and place required, to leave as per appointment Nov. 4th, 1893. Grateful for the confidence of my brethern and the Priesthood, I remain a humble striver for the advancement of Truth. Asa W. Judd. Kanab, Kane Co. Utah

Letter from Asa Walter Judd, 24 August 1893

Letter from Orin Seager, 24 August 1893

Am. Fork, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I am in receipt of letter, from First Presidency, calling me to perform a mission in the interests of the Sunday Schools. I gladly accept the calling, and am sincerely thankful to be worthy of such a mission. I am ready and will be at Provo to commence the course of study Aug. 28, 1893. It woudld have been just as well convenient for me to have been at Provo the 21st if I had received the letter in time. Asking your faith and prayers for my success as an instrument in the hands of God, I am your brother in the Gospel. Orin Seager.

Letter from J. B. Patterson, 24 August 1893

St. Johns, Arizona, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother, Your letter of the 16th Inst Notifying me of an appointment to the missionary field of Great Britton and requesting, that I make arrangements to start from Salt Lake City, Nov 4th [18]93, was handed me, last Evening. In reply I would say, I fear it utterly impossible for me to make arrangements to have my business interests properly cared for, during my absence, in so short a time. My interests are varied and scattered. I have an one half interest in a Lumber Yard in Albuquerque, N. M. which has been looked after, by my partner, a young man of ablility but not of our faith. during these dull Times collections have been slow, and I have permitted him to borrow, from the Bank, Two Thousand Dollars,

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 Emma $6 () girl $3 12

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

goods for self $8.45 girl $3 11 45


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Aug 24, 1893