Day in the Life

Aug 28, 1893

Journal Entry

August 28, 1893 ~ Monday

28. Keys crossed I received Letters from Gen Clarkson & Col Trumbo
& Wm H Thompson with $50 from him & $50 from Cottam
I visited the Pulman car sent for the Presidency
of the Church to go to Chicago in it was superb


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Clarkson, James Sullivan
17 May 1842 - 30 May 1918
Cottam, Thomas
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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Letter from Joel Hills Johnson, 28 August 1893

Kanab, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: We have consulted with Bro. Judd and he feels that his time, ^and^ talents, are for the cause of truth and he willingly places him- self at your disposal and we can heartily endorse him. Your Brethen in the Gospel Joel H Johnson Bishop E D Woolley Prs of Stake

Letter from Joel Hills Johnson, 28 August 1893

Letter from Herman H. Haag, 28 August 1893

[end of sideways text]

Letter from Moses Muir, 28 August 1893

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of July 28 I am willing to go and do all that I can I dont feel like backing out when Caled to do good I will try and be at the Academy on the day named the 8th of January [18]94 Respect your Bro Moses. Muir.

Letter from Jane Osborn, 28 August 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: You will please excuse delay in answering yours of the 3rd inst. wherein you made a request that I should attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo. In reply I will say: I will be there, if I can possibly pro- cure the means; but owing to the great scarcity of means, at present, I can not give a definite answer, but hope and trust I will be able to be there at the appointed time. Your Sister in the Gospel Jane Osborn.

Letter from William Ira Porter, 28 August 1893

Bryce Ariz Presdt Woodruff Salt Lake Citty Dear Brother, Yours of the 17th inst at hand. In reply to the call made of me as a missionary in the Sunday School cause, I will say that I feel to honor the call. Although I feel my weakness in excepting of such a mission. For I realize that there is a great responcibility resting upon us in preforming a labor of that kind I will be at Provo at the apointed time provideing that I can raise the nessary means for transportation Your Bro in the Gospel W. I. Porter

Letter to General James S. Clarkson, 28 August 1893

General James S. Clarkson, San Francisco. My dear Sir: I am in receipt of your favor of the 24th inst., and thank you very much for the expression of compliment and encouragement contained therein. I believe with you, General, that old-time prejudices against us are fast passing away; and have pleasure in believing that the day will come when whatever of merit there may be in us as a community and our labors will be recognized and appreciated by our fellow-citizens; and in the meantime we will continue to work for the good of our fellow men and the building up of the country which kind Providence led us to and has established us in. Prests. Cannon and Smith join me in sending you our kindest regards and best wishes. We are quit[e] busy in view of our leaving for Chicago to-morrow. I am, Yours very truly, Wilford Woodruff

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Aug 28, 1893