Day in the Life

Oct 15, 1893

Journal Entry

October 15, 1893 ~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Charles Victor Melanchthon Hauser, 15 October 1893

Ft. Deposit, Ala., President Willford Woodruff, Salt Lake, Utah, Dear Bro, I send you with this mail, one doz. cuttings of what is known in the South, as the Black Scupper- nong. It is a very sweet delicious grape, but does not grow in bunches lik the comon grape, but is found alone or in clusters of 4 or 5. It ripens about the last of Sep. in this clime. I never saw any of them west of the Missouria river. If you will have these cuttings immediately set out by some one in a hot house during the coming winter, or send, to some of our Brethren, at St George, they will live, & will prove to be a nice addition to the vineyards of Zion. It is

Letter from Solomon James Robinson, 15 October 1893

Oct 15th 1893 Prest. W Woodruff, Dear Bro, I take this opportunity of writing you A few lines in Regard to the Salvation of the human family for information, I will ask a few questio- ns, to Put my mind at Rest I would like for you to answer Soon. I know that you have All the Buisness you Can atend to, but it will not Detain you long to Answer, it is Said in the Doc and Covenance, and in holy writ that All maner of Sin, and Blasphemy Shall be forgiven the Children of men, but the Sining Against the holy Gohst Shall not be forgiven in this world or in the world to Come. Now, if any have Comited any of these Sins, except the Sheding of Blood can he or She be Saved Suposing A man or woman Comits Secret Sins that the Chu- rch knows nothing of, and still they are

Letter from Solomon James Robinson, 15 October 1893

Persecute the elders but Receive their testimony And be Saved. Please give me an answer of Peace, that my Soul may have Rest. In Relation to A Widdow Gitting maried And wanting to be Sealed to her first hus- band who Did not Die in the Church, and Did not Belieave in the Principles of the Gospel, Could She be Sealed to him, ever Praying for the welfare of fZ Zion and that God May Give you wisdom, and his Spirit May Iluminate your Path through Life, and all the trials and Sacrificis you have Made for your People, your Country, And your God May be ans- wered in Blessings on your head with A Conscience void of ofence toward God and toward All men: Please Adress S. J. Robinson Snowflake Apache Co Arizona

Letter from Henry Hughes, 15 October 1893

To Prest. Woodruff. Dear Brother, The following are some evidences confuting the curious foundation of lies as contained in the Tribune which you sent me. The said James Lamont is an old man of 38 years of age. He together with his wife states that they are confident the colts they ^he^ wereas leading done the mischief. Lamont told Sister Rebecca Hardman and an aged man by the name of Henry Adams, who read the peice in the Tribune to him that he had au- thorized no person to make such statements, and he denies them and says he is sorry to see the Statements in print. Lamont also told Bro John Barrett of this place


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Oct 15, 1893