Day in the Life

Nov 21, 1893

Journal Entry

November 21, 1893 ~ Tuesday

Nov 21, 1893
I received a Box of cut flowers sugar cane & Rice
from C M Hanson Alabalma we had many
calls. Brother Webber & Carlson called upon us for
instruction concerning L H Hill a Banker the
Presidency of the stake called upon us & Discussed
some Matters of Duty J. R. Winder called & we
talked with him about his son. Wm W. Cluff
called upon Business I went to the Theater in the
Evening ^ An arrow^ I had a terrible fall from a log a foot
above the ground fell whole broad side & stood a good
chance to have broaken my limbs but it ownly bruised
me some we talked to Bishop Winder about his son.


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Letter from Hans Benjamin Nielsen, 21 November 1893

Hyrum [Pr]rest Wilfor Woodruff Dear Broither In answer too your letter of the 15th asking Me to preform a mishon to Scandinavia. I am willing too go and do all in my power By the help of God If I can make a raise of the means to take me there. The notice being so short & the money so scarce

Letter from John Mills Whitaker, 21 November 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah, . PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF AND COUNSELORS. DEAR BRETHREN: The First Council of Seventies direct me to hand you the names of the following Elders for missionary service, this being all the data given: 1, Robert H. Fife, Iona, Idaho. Ready. S. S. 30 Dec. 1 [18]93. Samoa 8 Feb 94 S G 2, Obediah Armstrong, Rigby, Idaho. Ready, and N Z [8 Feb 94 S G] 3, Amos Atkinson, Lyman, Idaho, ready. Samoa ^do^ 8 Feb. [18]94 Very Truly Your Brother, John M. Whitaker Gen Secy. All right. Assign them to the fields most needing them at present. Say S. States of [or] Eng. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Elisha David Tomlinson, 21 November 1893

Heber City, Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother For a long time I have ben thin- king on the way in which the Mercantile buisness is conducted, and of how the Prophet Brigham Young established the Co Oper- ative systim in Utah, ah what a grand united order it was as he designed it should be conducted, but how the welthy have became menopelests, aye Sindicates, or am I rong in my decisonion? I have thought of a plan in which it appears to me the rich and the poor would be equal, it is this to establish a corperation of shares will say $1000 per share allowing anyone the privelege of taking any

Letter from John L. Dalton, 21 November 1893

San Francisco Prest. W. Woodruff & Councilors, Dear Brethren: Lasst Thurs- day the 16th inst. I baptized Seven, Two new, one rebaptism & 4 children. Please answer the following question. Josiah Watson, joined our Church, Was ordained an Elder. His health was very poor, the Dr told him to go to California he did so. After he got here he joined the Josephites. After joining them he be- gan to Study the Doctrin & Covenants, became dissatisfied with them. He hunted me up I talked to him. He was convinced that he was wrong, and decided to come back. He was not cut off the Church. Question is his a new baptism, or a renewal of covenants? If the latter does he Still hold the Priesthood? My descission was a new baptism and of course if he lost his membership he lost his Priesthood. We hold meetings 11 a m & 7 p m on Sundays & at 7 p. m. Thursdays. We have Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sundays Our meetings are fairly well attended, a number of strangers are reading our

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

paid Emma $5 Blankets &c $6 11


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Nov 21, 1893