Day in the Life

Nov 23, 1893

Journal Entry

November 23, 1893 ~ Thursday

23. I spent the forenoon in the office & went to the Temple
at 2 oclok & had Prayers And attended to such business
as was before us


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Letter from Ezra E. Nielsen, 23 November 1893

Hyrum Brother Woodruff In answering to my call for a mission to scandinavia which I receved from you I am willing to go and do all the good that I can I will be there on the 16 day of December if I can get the money to care [carry] me to my field of labor Ezra E. Nielsen Bro. Hyrum J F Wright Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Jonathan F. Petersen, 23 November 1893

Mantua . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother I feel that it is my duty to respond to my call that I may be call to performe when called mby those in athority over me if it is posable. So I will ^to^ except this call and be at Salt Lake City, on time if nothing unexpected prevents me from coming Your Brother in the Gosple Jonathan F. Petersen Peter C Jensen Bp I hope the good spirit will supply what he lacks. J. F. S.

Letter from William Hendricks Lewis, 23 November 1893

Richmond President Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter in regards to a mission to geat Britain came to hand yesterday. Will say twas some what of a suprise to me and has caught me very much unprepared as my circumstances or [are] such that twould render it imposible for me to fit myself out as I am involved and cannot meat my oblegations Would my circumstances permit I would except the Mission and do my best to fill it honoribley Hopeing you will concider my condition I remain as ever your broather in the gospel W H Lewis Jr Wm L Skidmore Bp. This seems to be a declination to go at all, but presuming he did not Just intend it as, I would say to him that we will give him the time he needs to get ready, and he can let us know, or we will call him again sometime in the future. J. F. S.

Letter from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 23 November 1893

To Pres. Wilford Woodruff, & Councilers—Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethern—Your favor addressed to Lehi Arizona, came duly to hand; arrived here to day, having visited at Maricopa, and St David on the San Pedro, I had expected to have met Elder M. G. Trejo—but he had returned to Sonora, but was feeling well in spirit, as far as I could Judge by a letter sent me and forwarded from Colonia Juarez to Lehi. The people of st David have discouraging conditions by the late river floods taking out their dam which had been built at great expense, but they are at work again and we gave them encouraging words, to cheer them on in their labors and our best advice ^so^ as to secure the best result in saving their work. The published reports about revolution here, the robbing of the Custom House etc—are sad exaggerations, of a simple fact, that some natives about 60 in number, whose wives and childern were so ^cruelly^ murdered at "Santa Tomas" last may, by fFederal Troops, have started started out to seek revenge, and they freely decclare their purpose to wage war on the Government. They took $203.00 from the Custom House, gave their recipt for the amount, signed by the three leaders as a protection to those in charge of the Govt Funds; They made all the inhabitants ^prisoners^ and Bro M. S. Ray informs me, he had a favorable oppertunity to explain the position of our colonies ^to them^ and ^they^ said they would not, hurt any of our colonists, and advised ^Bro Ray^ to send them word to keep out of the contest; They shot one horse and wounded the man who was trying to run away from them, when they ^called^ on him to stop and would not. They bought


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Nov 23, 1893