Day in the Life

Jan 25, 1894

Journal Entry

January 25, 1894 ~ Thursday

25 An Exceding busy day had an interview
with Professors Kingsbury & Stewart called upon
us & offered to give the Presidency of the State University
to Professor Talmage & wished us to unite
the Church University with the State University as
there is not means or students to sustain but one


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Letter from Albert William Winkler, 25 January 1894

Mt. Pleasant President Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City Dear Bro. I received your letter Asking me to go on a mission Thanking you for the honor. If there will be any elders going to Switzerland & Germany a month or two later than march 3rd It would be more conveniant for me to wait till then, as I have lo[a]ned to a new flour mill here all the money I had. And as they are a new ferm they are very crowded, and say they can hardly get it so soon. As for my self I am ready as soon as I can get the money.

Letter from Albert Perkes, 25 January 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro, Yours of January 15th stating that my name has been suggested and accepted as a missionary to the Northern States is at hand, and in reply will say that there are no reasonable obstacles that I know of to hinder my honoring the Call. I will, therefore, endeavor to be present at Salt Lake City to depart with the rest of the Bretheren on

Letter from Brigham Heber Telford, 25 January 1894

Lewiston Bro. Woodruff, Dear sir— Your letter was received stating I was called on a mission, to go to the northern states. I will accept the call, and go, and do the best I can and will be at the Historian office on the 19th of March. Yours truly Brigham Telford W. H. Lewis Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Nephi N. Rogers, 25 January 1894

Lewiston, President Woodruff. Dear Brother. Yours came to hand on the 18th. And in as much as I have been chosen to fill a mission in the Northern States, I will endevor to do so to the best of my ability by the help of the Lord. I will be in Salt Lake City at the appointed time if nothing happens. Your Brother in the Gospel, Nephi N. Rogers. W. H. Lewis Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Goodman, 25 January 1894

() 123 J. St. City President Wilford Woodruff Dr. Bro. Personally I have no objec tion to taking a Mission to England but circumstances as they appear now would preclude the possibility of me being ready by April 14th but will probably learn more in about a week, would then if con- venient to you like to call and lay the matter before you as it is and abide solely by your decision Respectfully Your Brother Thos Goodman I would say to him that he could have until next fall, if he needed that much time, or even longer, and when he felt himself prepared he can let us know. J. F. S.

Letter from William George Westwood, 25 January 1894

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your Notification of Saturday last that I have been selected and accepted to fill a Mission to Great Britain to be ready to start as early as April 14 would say, I feel honoured by the call and happy in the thought of being able and willing to respond to your call. I feel my weakness but will trust in the Lord to direct my work and sustain me under all circumstances, and shall leave my family in the hands of the Lord. I am thankful to have their support and to know that even My Dear Mother in her Eighty fifth year encourages me going forward in this line of duty Praying that God our Heavenly Father may continue to direct you and confer every desirable blessing upon you I remain your Humbe Servant and Brother in the Covenant of the Gospel William G Westwood

Letter from George Teasdale, 25 January 1894

Prest W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Hearing that Brother Brigham Young was expected in Dem- ing, on the 23rd or 24th, arrangement was made for Bro. David Alma Stevens to go to Deming to meet him and assist him in. I presume he is now on his way here. I have also received a communication from the office, and Bro John Henry Smith stating that he was coming instead of Bro. Moses Thatcher. I wrote to Bro J. Fewson Smith, of Deming, and requested him to telegraph and find out where Bro. Jno Henry was, and learn where he would be in Deming and make arrangements to have him con- veyed from Deming to Colonia Diaz. Letters were also sendt to Bro. Smith to Salt Lake City, and Manassa. It takes so long to communi- cate by mail. We have a semi weekly mail, but letters, by some accident or design, do not always reach us. This frequently causes much inconvenience and loss of time. We hope in course of time all these things will improve and honest faithful men have the charge of the mails. Bro. J. Fewson Smith has been


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Jan 25, 1894