Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1894

Journal Entry

January 31, 1894 ~ Wednesday

Jan 31, 1894
I spent this day in the office Met with several of the Brethren


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Letter from Alfred Jensen, b. 1873, 31 January 1894

Trenton, Wilford. Woodruff: Dear. Brother: I recieved yours of the 24 1894, On same date, and will except the mission, and with the help of the Lord, I will do my duty as a Later Day Saint. I remain as ever your brother in the Gospel, Alfred. Jensen: B. F. Bingham, BP. All right J. F. S.

Letter from Arthur Gentry, 31 January 1894

Beaver City, Utah Prest W Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter dated Jan 26th has been received. About a year ^ago^ Bro Stoney spoke to me about a mission I told him I should very much like to go on a mission if I could arrange my affairs and pay up my Debts which I thought I could then in a few months as I had 7500 lbs wool coming to me on Contract, but I did not get it until last of June. Wool by this time was so low that I could not come any were near meeting my obligations, so the matter passed until about six weeks ago when he again asked if I would go I told him I would be pleased to go if I could any way get settled up Now here is Just the condition I am in. I am owing $2400.00/100 Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars $770.00/100 is a Note with Interest at one and a half per month payable in June $800.00/100 more in Notes at one per cent and $373.00/100 on Interest at 6 per cent per anum Bal not on Interest to meet this if parties fill their Contract I will have 15512 1/2 lbs ^of wool^ which is to be delivered on the 21 15th of May I can possibly raise $150.00/100 in addition to this amount. I do not see how I could possibly get ready by the time your letter states. If it does not

Letter from Erastus Snow Larsen, 31 January 1894

Coveville Pres't Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your favor of the 19 inst has been duely received which states my name has ^been^ excepted as a missionary to the Southern States to leave Salt Lake on the 28th of April. And if all is well I will be on hand at that time your Brother in the Gosple Erastus S. Larsen John C. Larsen Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from James Heber Yardley, 31 January 1894

Preasent Woodruff Dear Brother Having received your letter as it took me by suprise, as I am A member of the seventys corum and had not been spoken to a bout a mission till I got your letter. Dear Brother I am willing to go on my mission if it is the will of you and our Hevenley Father for me to go. But if it is all dun through my preasident

Letter from Mark H. Preece, 31 January 1894

Coveville President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I take pleasure in awnsering your favor of the 19 inst which has been duly received. My feelings as regards ^the call^ made of me to go to the Southern States on a mission are good. I desire by the help of the Lord to do whatever I am called upon to do. but I am in debt a little and it seems hard to get money at present but I think I can get my business in shape and enough money to cary me to the field of Labor asigned me by, the date set by you to start Your Brother in the Gosple Mark H. Preece John C. Larsen Bp All right, and I hope he will get the means. J. F. S.

Letter from Peter Swenson, 31 January 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff City Dear Brother. Your notification inclosed of December 22nd 1893 is duly Recived Thanks. And in answer to this calling, will say, that ^I^ shall arrange my affairs so to leave Salt Lake City at as Early a Date as March 10th 1894. I shall Present my Self at your affice the day previous to my Departure. Hopping that I may fulfill this Noble Calling in Rightiousness bifor God. I Remain your Humble Brother in the Gospell Peter Swenson All right J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries $15 Paid for Delight $13 28


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Jan 31, 1894