Day in the Life

Jan 30, 1894

Journal Entry

January 30, 1894 ~ Tuesday

30 I received a Letter from Philo Dibble And Answered
it I met with Brother Robert & others on reading his
Book on the succession of Priesthood

Keys crossed A crown I examined my trunk of Journals at night &
found all my Journals lost or missing from 1835 to 1847
I am in hopes to find them in the future ^F D Richards Has all these Journals.^


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Dibble, Philo
6 Jun 1806 - 7 Jun 1895

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Letter to David King Udall, 30 January 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. D. K. Udall, Springerville. Dear Brother: You are hereby authorized to seal Sister Charlotte Webb to Elder Robert Marion Tyler, at the same time advising them to visit one of the Temples at the earliest convenient time so that she can receive her endowments, and they be sealed at the altar. If it should so happen, though it is not probable, that they never have this opportunity, then the ceremony performed by you, under this authorization, will have full force and effect. Replying further to the inquiries in your favor of 19th inst., I will say—A Bishop's Court is authorized to excommunicate from the the Church, for cause, lay members and brethren holding the Aaronic Priesthood without referring the case to the High Council of the Stake. Of course the parties excommunicated have the right of appeal to that body. But if the accused holds the Melchesidek Priesthood then the Bishop's Court has authority only to disfellowship him and report its proceedings to the High Council for further action. With regard to presenting the names of those who have been disfellowshipped or excom- municated to the members of the Ward, this is sometimes done for infor- mation, where deemed desirable, but not for the purpose of sustaining or reversing the decision of that^e^ court, but there are cases where justice and mercy would both be better served by giving the offence the least publicity possible, and confining the knowledge of the wrong doing to

Letter from George Osmond, 30 January 1897

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of Jan. 27th addressed to Stephen Turner and calling him on a mis- sion to Indian Territory was duly received by his father Wm A. Turner. He wishes me to inform you that his son Stephen was recently called on a mission to the Southern States for which place he left home two or three weeks ago. Therefore your last letter direc- ted to him must have been inten- ded for some one else. Thinking that the letter itself may assist in recti- fying the error I enclose it. With great respect Your brother in the Gospel George Osmond

Letter from Andrew Larsen, 30 January 1894

Mount Pleasant, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your letter, asking me to take a mission to Skandinavia at once, was handed me upon my return home from the sheep camp on the desert. I am sorry to report that owing to the brief time intervening, it will be impossible for me to be ready to start on March 3rd. I am perfectly willing to take a mission, if I can be allowed a little time to shape my affairs. I am somewhat involved, and have leased some sheep on contract that does not expire until next October, so that to leave before that time would exntail heavy financial losses upon me. In regard to place, Skandivia suits me very well, as I can speak Danish very well, also as I am unable to undertake long walks, having had both legs broken and somewhat cripp[l]ed. Trusting you will kindly favor me with the asked for extension of time, I remain, Your Brother in the Gospel, Andrew Larsen Let us say next Oct. for him, if that will do. J. F. S.

Letter from Peter Nielsen, 30 January 1894

Harrisville, Weber Co. . Dear Pres. Woodruff. I have recieved your of the 26 Inst. calling me on a mission to Scandinavia and in reply will say, I will try to the best of my ability, to be on hand at the time appointed. I am very Resp. your bro. in the Gospel. Peter Nielsen P. G. Taylor, Bishop. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Ransom Marion Stevens, 30 January 1894

Fagalii, Samoa, . To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your kind favor of the 8th inst. received & contents with pleasure read. Please send money for return fare of Elder J. H. Merrill by next mail. All is tolerably well with us here at present, & hope that those who are ailing will soon be restored to health & soundness. Have lately returned from a trip around the island—Upolu. Visited the Elders & Saints of the various branches, & found them feeling well in the Gospel & greatly enjoying their labors. With best wishes, Your ever humble servant, R. M. Stevens. All right. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Ensign $4 T $25 T $15 44


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Jan 30, 1894