Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1894

Journal Entry

February 02, 1894 ~ Friday

2 I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to Jacob Brewer


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Letter from Charles William Symons, 2 February 1894

Salt Lake City, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro At the dedica- tion of our Temple, I wrote you a note, asking you to do me the Kindness, to call with the brethren of the Quorum of the Twelve, ^for a sitting,^ but I was taken down with a severe spell of sickness, and confined to bed and my room, for a number of weeks. Many of my young friends are now leaving on missions and have enquired for portraits of First Presidency also views of Temple and city. Would it be asking

Letter from William Bone, 2 February 1894

Lehi, Utah, President Woodruff: Dear Brother—My name has been suggested to you by the Seventies of this place as a missionary to Great Britan, to leave Salt Lake City on Mar. 10th. I was 53 years old on the 6th of last November. And through working on my farm and in the water, I have become afflicted with rheumitism, making me physically unable to preform that mission. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel William Bone Lehi City Utah Let him be excused. J. F. S.

Letter from Peter Olsen Hansen, 2 February 1894

Paradise Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro in answer to the letter that I recieved from you I can say as far as I am concerned spirituly I would be willing to go but I am in debt Five Hund red Dolars for my Home and in order dto get the muney I would have to mortage my Home I would like to have the privlage of stoping to home un till the first of Nov 1894 and I think by that ^time^ I will be out of debt and I will be wil- ling to go Yours Truely Peter O Hansen O. K. Samuel Oldham, Bishop See over

Letter from John L. Dalton, 2 February 1894

[end of sideways text] 131 1/2 Gough Street San Francisco Feb. 2d 1894 Pres. W. Woodruff & Counselors, Salt Lake City Utah, Dear Brethren: I have turend everything over to Bro. Maeser, and in an other week will be ready as far as the mission is conserened to start home, but my circum- stances are such that I cannot go home nor live here, without a little means, I am owing about $80 here, I have only the one Suit of cloths you so kindly sent me, under cloths shoes, & hat all worn out, wife & children destitute of cloths, Will you lend me $150, till such time that I can pay it? Our rent is due on the 20th if we stop over that time & pay an other months rent we might as well re- main the month out, till about the 20th Mch. I would prefer to do this for two reasons, 1st the weather in Utah will be getting warmer, 2nd Sister Dalton & the children have the whoop -ing cough. And I fear to take them in- to the cold climate of ^Pocatello^ Idaho, that it would go hard with them. I have no means at

Letter from John Fish Wright and Orson Smith, 2 February 1894

Hyrum Prest Wilford Woodruff Deear Bro Patriarch O. N. Liljenquist of this ward is laborring among the saints doing all the good he can, he is not able to do manual labor, has 3 Familes quite destitute if something could be done for him direct from the Tithing say $1500 a Month or as you feel lead. it would be greatly appreciated by them hoping you are in good health I remain your Bro in the Gospel J. F. Wright Orson Smith, Prest

Telegram from Orson Smith, 2 March 1894

Received at President's Office, Salt Lake City, at 6 Pm Dated, Logan, 2, To Pres. Wilford Woodruff— Under what circumstances should Relief Societies loan their wheat and if loaned what security? Orson Smith. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.


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Feb 2, 1894