Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1894

Journal Entry

February 03, 1894 ~ Saturday

3 I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Gideon E. Olsen, 3 February 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear SirBro. I recived your letter, in regard to me going on a mission. I am willing to go, but I have not the means. And I am in debt. I have nothing that I can sell to get anything for, my suport. I remain your Brother Gideon E Olsen I am satisfied Bro. Olsen will go as soon as he arrange matters financially Yours Truly Samuel Oldham Bishop See over.

Letter from Jonathan Harriman Hale, b. 1875, 3 February 1894

Smithfield Feb. 3, 1893. Pres. Woodruff: Dear Brother; Your letter of 19th was recieved after a time as I was absent from home on Its arival. I can say that I am young and unexperienced in the Principles of the Gospel, olnly 18 years of age. And also close for means, but with the aid of my Parents I am willing to go and do the best I can

Letter from James I. Reid, 3 February 1894

Vernal, President Woodruff Dear Brother My circumstances are such that I am unable to de- side what to do and do the best. I am a member of the church and striving to do my duty therein I am a man that aught to have been mar- ried and had a home. From all reports, The Bighorn Country is a nice place for those in search of a home, but my feelings has been that if I should go there that the time is near at hand when

Letter from Ishmael Phillips, 3 February 1894

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. According to your request for a representative from our ward to attend the M.I.A. Training Class at Provo Bro. Emmannel F. Lennberg has been selected, and is now there but, by request of the Principal would like to have a letter of recom- mendation or appointment sent him from your Office, that he may estab- lish his right to attend each class. Very Respectfully Your Bro: Ishmael Phillips Bp. Union Ward All right J. F. S.


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Feb 3, 1894