Day in the Life

Feb 8, 1894

Journal Entry

February 08, 1894 ~ Thursday

8 I spent the forenoon in the office The Afternoon in the Temple


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Letter from Anders Gustaf Lindberg, 8 February 1894

Gunnison President Wilword Woodruff. Dear Brother Your kind favor of the 19 of January last, calling on me for a mission to Scandinavia, I esteem very highly being considered worthy of such a trust. But my circumstances are so that I cannot see how I can leave on such a short notice. As I have a morgage hanging over me to the amount of 300 dollars and baring intrest at 12 per cent yearly, and not any money

Letter from Daniel H. Livingston, 8 February 1894

President Woodruff, Dear Brother: In reply to your letter dated Feb. 2nd. stateing that I had been selected with others as a missionary to Australasia to sail from San Francisco the 3rd day of May 1894. I feel to cheerfully respond to this call although, I feel that I am one of the weakest instruments that you could have chosen to assume this great responsibility. But I trust that the Lord will help to sustain me in performing this mission that the Priesthood requires of me and desire to say that I will do the very best I can if set apart to fulfill an honorable mission. Your Brother in the Gospel Daniel H. Livingston Good. J. F. S. Robt Morris Bp 11th Ward

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received $60 on Note of Joseph Peart on Deseret Land 60

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Tithing $6.50 $10, T, girl $3 19 50


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Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Feb 8, 1894