Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1894

Journal Entry

March 12, 1894 ~ Monday

12. We met with many parties I sent a Letter to Owen from Blanch
I administered to Sister McEwen


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions

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Letter from Ezekial Holman, 12 March 1894

Sandy, Pres. Wilford Woodruf and Council Dear Brotheren, Being aware of your great desire of developing the resources of the country and beleiving we can afford the best facilities for the construction of a Sugar factory, at Sandy, for the following reasons, is my excuse for taking the liberty of addressing you. In the first place it is about four miles from Sandy to a point on the little Cottonwood stream, of water, where a succession of water powers could be obtained sufficient to make an almost unlimited amount of electricity, besides we have the purest water for washing and making steam in the country. A. suitable location could bealso be obtained, convenant to receive freight for the accomodation of both the U. P. and R. G. W. Rys. We are also centrally located to make it convenant for the surrounding towns to deliver their beets, it has already been established that our land is superior for the cultivation of the beaet, besides we have several thousand acres of vacant land well adapted for beet, culture, that would furnish a great many new employment who might desire to interest themselves in the farming industry. I am also reliably informed that

Letter from C. Leland Rooks, 12 March 1894

Salt Lake. City. Pres. Wilford Woodruff: City Dear Brother: I am in receipt of a commun- ication from you, calling me to a Mis- sion on The Sanwich Islands, and in response to the call, will say, if no unfore- seen event occurs, I shall be ready to leave this City, in time to sail from San Fran- cisco, May 3 [18]94, as directed in your letter, above referred to; and shall present myself at the Historians Office, to be set apart, the day previous to my departing. Thanking you for the honor you confer upon me, and trusting I may prove myself worthy of your confidence, I remain, Your brother in the Gospel, C. Leland Rooks. approved G. H. Taylor Bsh 14th Ward

Letter from C. Leland Rooks, 12 March 1894

Letter from Charles W. Stayner, 12 March 1894

Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Smith, Dear Brethren; I have received, through your great kindness, and by letter from Secretary Rey- nolds, a draft for $200. I desire to express to you Brethren, my heartfelt gratitude for this great relief to me in my finan- cial need. I have not deemed it wisdom, by letter to acquaint you with the reasons for my late appeals to your generosity and kindness. But I desire that you should learn from my lips, why I have laid myself liable to appear importunate. So far from it being through a grasping spirit, I will say that my soul has been pained beyond mea- sure at being compelled to ask for assistance, especially while funds

Letter from Henry Clegg, 12 March 1894

Heber, Utah, Pres. W. Woodruff, I am requested to ask you to grant permission, for John A. Forties to return home at the end of this week. He is at the B. Y. Academy, Provo, in the Interest of Y. M. M. I. A. of our Ward. Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry Clegg Bp Heber West Ward Wasatch Co What is the reason for this request? Before doing any thing about it would it not be well to enquire of Bp. Clegg the reason for this request. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Alice 50 cts girl $3 (15) girl $3. G $3 (22) 9


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 12, 1894