Day in the Life

Mar 25, 1894

Journal Entry

March 25, 1894 ~ Sunday

25 Sunday I spent the forenoon at home & the Afternoon at
Claras with the family and came home in the Evening


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions

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Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 25 March 1894
Frankfurt A/Main, Dearest Father: Yours of the 6th also 8th recd, this morning. Was very sorry indeed you had been sick, but exceedingly joyful you were again enjoy[ing] [page cut off] health. Your letter to Jake I mailed at once to him as from a letter yesterday received by me from him I learned to my sorrow that all was not well with him & knew your letter would brace him up again. Nothing serious at all & it often happens here in Deutschland. Our brethre[n] [page cut off] there in Sarau have been threatened for some tim[e] [page cut off] It seems that a fiew days ago Bro Weilers two companions were "banished" & he also only he will be permited to remain there long enoug[h] [page cut off] to learn the language, while his Companions only have 8 days. This "Banishment" is simply ou[t] [page cut off] of that Province they can preach the Gospel in any other [Province] but must not return there. This ofte[n] [page cut off] happens & there is nothing at all alarming about, only he being such a young man & just maki[ng] [page cut off] a start as it were, of course he felt a little blue He did not know where he would go unti[l] [page cut off] he recd. an answer from our President. Jake did not complain at all & felt well in his mission, testifying that our heavenly father had answered his prayers. Don't let this reach his Mother as it would cause her needless worry
Letter from Stewart Eccles, 25 March 1894
President Woodruff Der. Brother. In regard to your faver of the 15th I am trying to arange my affairs, and with the Haelp of the Lord I will present myself on the Day appointed your Brother in the gospel Stewart. Eccles Ether E McBride Counselor to Bishop Ferrin All right. I hope he will suc- ceed. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 25, 1894