Day in the Life

Apr 14, 1894

Journal Entry

April 14, 1894 ~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at home mostly reading

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Discourse 1894-04-06

No. 17. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, . VOL. XLVIII. ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The Sixty-Fourth General Anniver- sary of the Church. PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF delivered a brief opening address. He expressed his gratitude to God for the privilege the Saints enjoyed in assem- bling in the Sixty-fourth Annual Con- ference of the Church, and that there were present the entire First Presi- dency, ten of the Twelve Apostles, and other members of organizations and authorities. It was a mat- ter of congratulation that the work of the Lord was progressing at home and in the nations. The Lord was with us and would continue to be so long as we sought the salvation of our fellowmen and performed our duties. The President spoke of the testimonies which had been borne and left on record by all the holy prophets, from Adam down, concerning the raising up of a Prophet in the latter days to establish the Church of Christ in fulness and prepare a people to meet the Savior when he should come to reign during the millennium as King of Israel. He concluded by express- ing a fervent desire that the spirit of inspiration and revelation might rest upon speakers and hearers during the present Conference.

Letter from Albert Morris, 14 April 1894

Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Ut. Dear Brother: nI received my call on the 11th. Inst., and arrangements having been made, am ready and willing to go. I can truly say that I feel thankful for the call, and am thankful that the circumstances sur- rounding are as favourable as they are; my only regret being however, that I am not better able and prepared to champion the Gospel of Christ. I shall call at the Annex Temple previous to the day of my de- parture, to be set apart. Your Brother In The Gospel, Albert Morris President W. Woodruff I endorse the above call and the reply, trusting that he will Accomplish much good, and be benefited himself from the Experiences which he will gain. Your Bro Elias Morris Bishop All right J. F. S.

Letter from George Chandler Parkinson, 14 April 1894

Franklin, Idaho, . 189 President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. My Dear Brother: We are making every possible effort to raise means, in this stake to complete the stake academy and to liquidaete its present indebt- edness. To accomplish thies object the stake presidency expect to visit each ward in the stake, calling upon every member of the church, who is better off thnan the common, and asking him to do a specified amount this season, with a view to compleeting the work at once; and in order to make the work more effective we have invited Prest. M. W. Merrill to accompa- ny us in our labors. This he would be pleased to do Provided he can be excqused frpm hixs labors in the temple for sufficient liength of time to make the trip, and suggested that I write to you about the matter. Our programme of travels will occupy his afttention from two to three weeks but he proposed comming home once during that time to exam- ine his corrospodance and attend to any other business that may need his attention. If there should be no objection to this programme kindly inform him and me at your earliest pleasure and oblige your Bro. Geo. C. Parkinson P.S. Please wire answer as above work should commence next Sunday. The enclosed is sent to me by an elder in the southern states. Yes let Bro Merrill attend to this Answerd by wire L J N

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 14 April 1894

Dearest Father: Your kind letter of Mch. 19th received some days since, but as I wrote to Ma you have known quite often as to my con[d-] ition. Itn the letter I speak of you answered my questions, which I was almost sorry had been asked & would not have asked them had [I] been a little later. My experience has taught [me] my duty & should not asked the questions I d[id] Many thanks to you Pa for answering them & for your good advise, will try to live wit[h] same & any other advise you have to give me will be most heartily received & a strong endeavor made to obey your counsel, which [I] yet have found no trouble in doing. When yo[u] speak of your sixty years mission I fully realize you have passed through a world of obstackles and hardshipps for the sake of your belief, the though[t] of what you have d[one] makes me feel strong when I remember them This is a most corrupt country Pa so far as virtue is conserned, the temtations a young man has to undergo are so great that at ti[mes] he would surely fall were it not for t[he] goodness of God & the memory of the dear o[nes]

Letter from William Armstrong, 14 April 1894

President Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Sir, Pursuant to the call made upon me, I have been taking the M. I. course at the B. Y. Academy, Provo, up to the present time, but aIm sorry to say that I cannot get hold of the necessary means to pursue the course farther, for the present at least. Haveing done my best towards ob- taining the money needed, I feel no hesitation in asking for my release.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Apr 14, 1894