Day in the Life

May 13, 1894

Journal Entry

May 13, 1894 ~ Sunday

13 Sunday I was not well & spent the day at home
I received an {insulting letter [illegible shorthand]} Letter from Delight


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Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
172 mentions

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Letter from Henry Augustus Tuckett, 13 May 1894
President W Woodruff Dear Bro Enclosed find letter from Bro H A Tuckett in which he expresses a willingness to respond to the request to fill a mission to Great Britian. I do not know of anything to prevent him from going and can cheerfully recommend him as being a faithfull Elder and feel assured that he will make an earnest and energetic missionary Very respectfully your Brother R. Morris Bp 11th Ward O.K. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

May 13, 1894