Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1894

Journal Entry

June 08, 1894 ~ Friday

78. F H Argo of Evanston Episcopal Minister called
to visit our city He spoke well of us J. C Leonard


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Letter from C. M. Jeppson, 8 June 1894
Pleasant Grove Utah President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir— Last Feb. I wrote you a Letter & explained the matter of same Money that was left in care of Mr Andrew Jenson of Salt Lake City, at that time Mr Jenson was absent from the Territory. But have head that Mr Jenson is in Salt Lake City now. I therefore would like to call your attention to the Matter. The heirs & adminstrators are a waiting for the Money to be sent here for the purpose mentioned in my first Letter Yours Truly C. M. Jeppson
Letter from John Laird Finlayson, 8 June 1894
Payson June 8, 1894. President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. Last December I received a letter from you stating that my name had been accepted as a missionary for Great Britain. In answer I expressed my feelings explained my circumstances and was released till the close of the school year or longer if I so desired, in order to get better prepared financially. My school closed yesterday and would now be pleased to start as early as you may deem desirable. I will need some help in
Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 8 June 1894
Chattanooga, Tenn^Logan City Utah^, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: Having finished my labors in the Southern States, I desire to make a written report, trusting that it will be satisfactory and meet with your approval. Elias was introduced to G P. Agents of all the rail roads we do business with, and we were treated with great courtesy. Elder ^Elias S.^ Kimball ^my successor^ is now familiar with his duties. The mission's finance is all right, and the debts all paid, with a small deposit in the Bank. At Chattanooga we have many influential friends, and find a most remarkable change in our favor. The mission is in excellent condition, and at no other time since 1877 has there been as good an opportunity for proselyting. There are 126 efficient Elders laboring in the South, and they are the best qualified laborers the mission has ever had at any one time. There isn't a sick Elder at present writing. We find that about 12% of the Elders are honorably released on account of sickness.


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Jun 8, 1894