Day in the Life

Jun 9, 1894

Journal Entry

June 09, 1894 ~ Saturday

9. I spent the day at home was visited By Dr Joseph Richards


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Richards, Joseph Smith
4 Oct 1848 - 30 Oct 1913

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Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 9 June 1894
Prest. W. Woodruff Dearest Father: You were not worried I trust at the tone of my last letter. If you were you need not be any more for I am again feeling fine and my eyes are much better. Have just received a letter from Van with $1000 inclosed for which I am pleased as am in need of shoes & something in the line of clothing; this will however about set me sailing smoothly again. Van also sent statement of my account but did not say if he had collected a note of $10000 due me or if he had made a payment on a note in Alice's favor; from me for $200 00/100. Please mention this to him or let him read this letter; he will understand and ask him to be so kind as to mention it in his next letter. I wish to say to you Pa I have a companion for two or three weeks a Bro. Albert Bryner from Price, Emery Co. He went out with me yesterday through some of the Villages near this city, to distribute "Tracts." Of course in this business we meet some people who refuse to hear anything whatever but no one has kicked me out yet and as a rule the Germans in this part of the country are very


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Jun 9, 1894