Day in the Life

Jun 18, 1894

Journal Entry

June 18, 1894 ~ Monday

June 178 1894
I Attended the Exhibition of the common schools
it was vary interesting My Daughter Alice gave a
Resitation which I think done great honor to herself


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Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
204 mentions

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Letter from John Canute Swenson, 18 June 1894
Pleasant Grove . Pres. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City. Your letter of the 14 inst is just rec'd. I shall be glad to do what I can in fulfilling the call made of me. In accordance ther with your request I will be at the Historian's Office Tuesday June 19. Your brother in the Gospel John C. Swenson Joseph E Thorne Bp of P. G. 1st Ward
Letter from Thomas Heddock Hilton, 18 June 1894
To the First Presidency Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethern, The Mail Steamer "Alameda" arrived here on the 15th inst. but we were some- what disappointed at not receiving our usual letter from you. Elders Kinghorn & Buttler arrived here from Toga on the 16th inst. on their way home, we havent sufficient money to meet their return fares, but as their folks have made arrangements to meet them at San Francisco & Salt Lake, from this steamer, I am going to borrow a sufficient sum to make up their fares. I have made the matter a subject of prayer, and have sought to be dictated by the Spirit of God, and I hope and trust the action will meet with your hearty approval. The Elders and sister are in possession of fairly good health, and are enjoying themselves very much in the Work. The war here upon Upolu hinders us consider- ably in the preaching of the Gospel, but we approve of every opportunity that is presented, and find a great many who will listen to our testimony.


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Jun 18, 1894