Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1894

Journal Entry

June 23, 1894 ~ Saturday

June 23 1894
Our company all went up Box Elder Canyon to Mantua
we there met with a large company of children on parade
And their Parents They filled the Meeting House full and
Myself & councillors addressed them we then went into a
large room & sat down to a rich feast 150 of us as guests
At the close of the feast we addressed the sabbath school
children we then returned to our carriages & drove down
the canyon then up onto the bench containing the
waterworks for the city below which was vary
interesting we went to the Theater in the Evening
whare we had quite an Exhibition of Talent


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Letter from John Henry Hansen, 23 June 1894
Letter from Abraham Hoagland Cannon, 23 June 1894
IN REPLY TO YOURS OF ------ Salt Lake City, Utah, FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE CHURCH, City. Dear Brethren: The enclosed communication of Brother J. M. Sjodahl is self-explanatory. All we can say in connection with it is that the DESERET NEWS Office could not afford to pay the expense of translating or insuring the book, as there would be very little sale for it in this Territory. We will, however, be glad to do the work for the Church, if it is possible to bear the expense for the translation and the printing. Yours Truly, DESERET NEWS PUBLISHING CO., A.H.Cannon, Manager. Get an estimate for 5000 & send up the pamph
Letter from M. Rogers, 23 June 1894
Sir I take the liberty of presenting you with the enclosed literary curiosity, and trust the same will be acceptable I send it from no political or religious motive, but simply as a curiosity, thinking you would like to have it in your possession on account of the great historic interest which it possesses. Will you, yourself, kindly acknowledge receipt in enclosed stamped addressed envelope, and I shall be glad to hear what you think of it. I remain Your obedient Servant M. Rogers President Woodruff


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Jun 23, 1894