Day in the Life

Jun 25, 1894

Journal Entry

June 25, 1894 ~ Monday

June 25 1894
Much of the Spirit of God rested upon us in our meeting
last Evening we took carriages this morning and
rode to Willard on the way we stoped a short
time to speak to several hundred children who were
paraded in the street as we passed. At Willard we
held a Meeting with the people in the Meeting House
W Woodruff read the 49 chapter of Isaiah
from the 13 verse and spoke to the people was follow
By G Q. Cannon & J F Smith. We then took
dinner 150 persons seated at the Table At the close
of the feast the children gathered in the Meeting House
and Addressed By the Presidency we then rode
to the cars & went onto Ogden & spent 2 Hours
at Ogden then took cars to Salt Lake 60 Miles
I was quite weary when I got home


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4128 mentions


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Letter from Peter Jensen, 25 June 1894
Prs. W. Woodruff: Dear Bro, Your Notice for me to go on a Mission to the Southern States is at hand, and in reply can say, that I am willing to comply with the call, but would prefere to go to Scandinavia to my native Country. I had a conversation with Prs. Cannon and Snow in regard to this, when they were here in Mantua, and they granted me this priviledge; should there be any change in date of going to Eurupe from athat of going to the Southern States, please inform me, otherwise I will be in Salt Lake City the 13th of July the appointed time. your Brother, P. Jensen Bp. Peter C Jensen
Letter from Jacob Alsted Tuft, 25 June 1894
Gunnison June 25th 1894. President Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother. Your favor of 19th inst., appointing me for a mis- sion to the Southern States, to be ready July 14th, has come to hand. I esteem it a great honor, to be considered worthy of such an im- portant calling. And I now wish I had thought myself worthy and able to take such a responsible calling, as I believe I could have kept myself in readiness better than I have. And as I am farming 60 acres of land alone, and to do this to advan tage, I bought machinery this spring
Letter from Joseph Larson, 25 June 1894
Pleasant Grove, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 19th inst. at hand, and will say in reply that I am willing to take a mission to Southern States. I feel very incapable, but with the help of God some good may be accomplished. Will accept the call made of me at least. I would very much like until the first of November in which to provide means for going, but if there is no company of Elders going about that time, I can try to get ready by about the middle of October. It seems impos- sible to go on the 8th of Sept. If you


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Jun 25, 1894