Day in the Life

Jul 8, 1894

Journal Entry

July 08, 1894 ~ Sunday

8 ^ An arrow^ Sunday The strikers in Ogden turned mob & burned
near $100000 dollars worth of Property the US Armey
at Camp Douglass went by call to Ogden to defend the
city of Ogden against the strikers They have also burned
up one Million Dollars worth of Property at Chicago
and the Rail Roads [railroads] are tied up nearly all over the
United States I spent the day in the House reading


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Letter from Isabella Eleanor Marden Pratt Robison, 8 July 1894
Fillmore . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: The letter sent to you by my son Frank Robison containes a true statement of our circumstances. We are very much embarrassed, and my husband feels that he can hardly spare his oldest son who has always been faithful to his fathers interests. He was but 16 years of age and my second son 13 when his father was compelled to leave home or to go to prison. The two boys have had the care of every thing for two of their father's families and have had no chance to go to school. ^in the five years^. Frank desires very much to go to s fill the mission, and I fear
Letter from Frank Robison, 8 July 1894
Fillmore . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your letter of a recent date asking me if I can fill a mission to Indian Territory by the first of September. I can say that I am thankful to be considered by my brothern worthy to be called to so useful a work. but will tell you our circumstances and will leave you to deside. Whether it is wissdom for me to go, my father has been in exile on account of his marriage relation for five years and has returned home two months since. There is an inditement against him now and he is apt to be arrested at any time
Letter from William Henry Young, 8 July 1894
Pres willford woodruff [Pres] g. q. canon & [Pres] J. F. Smith First Prs of the C. of J. C. of L.D.S. Salt Lake city Utah I am once moor imprss to whrite to you on the tanning question asking if you will Help Me to buy land at terra Alta, preston County, W. Va. that as plent of good Hemlock & Oak Bark for tanning, wich will


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Jul 8, 1894